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In depth analysis of the decoration industry chain, assembly decoration ushered in the tuyere

At this time, the real estate market tightened, the annual compound growth rate of the home decoration industry was less than 10%, and the annual compound growth rate of the public decoration industry also remained at about 7.4%.

The industry is in a period of rapid outbreak.

Benefiting from the promotion of urbanization, the upgrading of consumption structure and the gradual release of secondary decoration demand, the market space of the decoration industry will continue to grow.

Traditional architectural decoration has ushered in innovation.

It is expected that the total output value will reach 2.40 trillion yuan in 2020.

From 2010 to 2014, the growth rate of China’s public decoration industry gradually slowed down, and the compound growth rate of the total output value fell back to 9.45%, while the compound growth rate of the total output value of the home decoration industry rebounded to 10%.

The National Bureau of statistics officially revised the classification of building decoration industry in 2017.

With the rapid development of China’s real estate industry, home decoration has become a hot segment market in the building decoration industry in recent years.

This is mainly due to China’s hosting of large-scale international events such as the Beijing Olympic Games and the Shanghai World Expo, the construction and reconstruction of a large number of stadiums and exhibition venues, and the batch construction and transformation of hotels, airports, theatres and other facilities, resulting in a rapid growth in the public dress Market.

The growth rate of public decoration market slows down gradually, The scale of the industry tends to be stable, and the public building decoration covers a wide range, including office space, commercial area and infrastructure.

After the cancellation of welfare housing and the monetization of housing in 1998, the decoration industry in the form of company gradually formed.

It is also the first industry to introduce market mechanism and carry out market-oriented operation in China.

Today’s Golden Mantis, the leader in the architectural decoration industry, and bunny, the leader in the production and marketing of the veneer industry, were successfully listed during this period.

The growth rate of the home decoration market has increased, the speed of the soft decoration market has increased significantly, and the growth of the home decoration building materials market is relatively stable.

During this period, building materials leading enterprises with high degree of standardization and resource barriers gradually formed, and Dongfang Yuhong and Luolai life were listed during this period.

Steel Chamfer

(3) Adjustment period.

Concepts such as precast decoration and Internet home decoration are emerging.

(5) Maturity.

According to the data compiled by yiou think tank, the total output value of China’s decoration industry increased from 1.99 trillion yuan to 4.56 trillion yuan from 2009 to 2019, with an annual compound growth rate of 8.65%; Among them, the total output value of home decoration increased from 0.89 trillion yuan to 2.24 trillion yuan, and the total output value of public decoration increased from 1.10 trillion yuan to 2.32 trillion yuan.

According to the latest statistical caliber, in the subdivided fields of China’s decoration industry: public decoration includes public place decoration, government owned building decoration, hardbound real estate decoration and affordable housing decoration; The field of home decoration includes family room decoration; The curtain wall field includes the curtain wall decoration of commercial buildings, public buildings and high-end residential buildings.

Since the “four trillion” plan in 2008, the growth rate of total output value reached 25% in 2009, which is at an all-time high.

Table 1: classified data sources of decoration industry: National Bureau of statistics, China Architectural Decoration Association and GF Securities Development Research Center.

and Guangtian group were listed during this period, constantly bringing new impetus to the development of China’s architectural decoration industry.

More types of leading enterprises are listed, and the industry concentration has increased.

From the time dimension, China’s architectural decoration industry can be roughly divided into five periods: (1) initial period.

According to the data of EU billion think tank, the total scale of home decoration market in 2020 is about 3.54 trillion yuan, with a compound growth rate of more than 11% in five years..

After 2015, China’s decoration industry has entered a mature period.

From 2000 to 2007, the compound growth rate of home decoration output value continued to be higher than 20%, and the compound growth rate of public decoration output value reached about 14%.

At this time, there are construction individuals and teams with relevant skills in this field.

The global financial crisis in 2008 has greatly affected China’s home decoration industry.


Figure 1: data sources of the development stage of China’s architectural decoration industry: yiou think tank, Deloitte decoration and GF Securities Development Research Center.

(2) After 2010, the growth rate of the total output value of the public dress market gradually slowed down, but the market volume is still in the rising stage; In 2019, the total output value of the industry reached 232 million yuan, with a year-on-year growth rate of 6.42%.

Enterprises such as yaxia Co., Ltd.

(2) Rapid outbreak period.

The decoration industry is the product of China’s economic system reform and opening to the outside world.

Among them, the office space is mainly office buildings, the commercial area is mainly commercial centers, hotels, business places, etc., and the infrastructure buildings mainly include health places, educational places, cultural places, national institutions, etc.

(4) Comprehensive development period.

In the loose macro environment, China’s home decoration market has ushered in a strong recovery stage.

Figure 4: data source of the total output value of China’s public decoration industry: EU billion think tank, Deloitte decoration, GF Securities Development Research Center 2.

According to the data of yiou think tank and Deloitte decoration: (1) from 2002 to 2009, the public dress industry was in the stage of accelerated expansion.

In 1997, China officially promulgated the construction law of the people’s Republic of China, and the architectural decoration industry began to start.

O2o and e-commerce have introduced home decoration, and concepts such as customization and decoration are gradually rising.

From 2007 to 2009, the compound growth rate of China’s total output value of home decoration was 0%, while the growth rate of the total output value of the public decoration industry reached more than 20% due to the expansion of national infrastructure investment.

In the development process, the market scale shows an upward trend, and the industry development has entered a mature stage.

Figure 2: data source of total output value of China’s decoration industry: EU think tank, Deloitte decoration and GF Securities Development Research Center Figure 3: data source of total output value of market segments of China’s decoration industry: EU think tank, Deloitte decoration and GF Securities Development Research Center Market Overview, the growth rate of tooling market slows down, the growth rate of home decoration market increases, and the growth rate of soft decoration market increases significantly.

In 2007, before the outbreak of the financial crisis, the total output value of China’s construction and decoration industry was 1.65 trillion yuan, including 0.9 trillion yuan for home decoration and 0.75 trillion yuan for public decoration.

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