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The paper recommends | finite element study on mechanical properties of grooved plate element in cast chord supported steel-concrete

Malan et al.

Under the external load, the concrete of the composite floor unit appears obvious plastic damage along the span direction, which indicates that the overall flexural stiffness of the composite floor unit simply supported at both ends is related to the section perpendicular to the span direction.

The above research shows that the chord supported concrete composite floor is a long-span composite floor with efficient mechanical properties.

Obtained a new structural form by adding transverse additional reinforcement support on the basis of the traditional reinforced truss composite plate.

Studied the flexural and shear properties of inverted multi ribbed prestressed composite floor slab.

Author: Chen Xu, Zhang Libin, Chen zongxue, Qiao Wentao, Meng Lijun, School of architectural engineering, Chang’an University, School of civil engineering, Shijiazhuang Railway University, Hebei Construction Group Co., Ltd.

However, this floor has the problems of complex strut structure, heavy self weight, many on-site wet operations and low degree of assembly.

The above literature has carried out the finite element and experimental analysis on the laminated slab in terms of stiffness, bearing capacity and crack resistance, which provides valuable experimental data and research materials for the performance research of concrete laminated slab.

The concrete strength grade increases from C25 to C40, the flexural stiffness increases by 10.1%, and the deflection fluctuates between 55 ~ 60mm; When only changing the height of the connector between plates does not change its central action position, it has little effect on the bending stiffness and deflection.

Carried out the experimental research on the mechanical performance of unidirectional reinforced truss concrete composite slab in the construction stage and normal use stage, and explored the factors affecting the short-term stiffness of precast slab through the method of theoretical research; Yang Xiuying et al.

Studied the static characteristics and human induced vibration of beam string concrete slab composite floor structure, and applied it to the long-span roof of a gymnasium.

The mechanical properties of composite slabs have been widely studied by scholars at home and abroad, which are related to the mechanical properties of precast composite slabs.

Flat End Socket Cross Pin

At present, there is still a lack of research on the floor part of this floor.

Abstract the cast chord supported steel-concrete composite floor is a new type of long-span prestressed composite structure.

However, the composite slab studied is mostly used for ordinary cast roof or floor, and is not suitable for cast chord supported concrete composite floor.

The results show that with the increase of the height of the rib beam, the flexural stiffness increases sharply and the deflection decreases rapidly.

With the continuous increase of load, the overall bending deformation of the composite floor element occurs, and the mid span deflection deformation is the largest.

Chen Xiao and others put forward the steel ribbed prestressed concrete composite slab and pointed out that it has the characteristics of large flexural stiffness, high bearing capacity and high production efficiency; Han et al.

Through the static loading test of the two-way reinforced truss composite plate, it was found that this type of plate has greater cracking moment and better crack resistance than the one-way reinforced truss composite plate.

The height of the connector between plates increases from 300mm to 360mm, the bending stiffness increases by 8.0%, and the deflection decreases by no more than 10%.

0 Introduction chord supported structure is a composite long-span building steel structure with rigid and flexible combination.

When the thickness of the laminated layer increases from 40mm to 70mm, the flexural stiffness increases by 24.2% and the deflection decreases by 54.7%; With the increase of concrete strength grade, the flexural stiffness increases slightly, but the mid span deflection does not change significantly.

To sum up, the height of the rib beam has the greatest influence on the overall flexural stiffness and mid span deflection of the composite floor, followed by the thickness of the composite layer, and the concrete strength and the height of the connectors between the slabs have little influence.

The height of the rib beam increases from 400mm to 700mm, the flexural stiffness increases by 322.6% and the deflection decreases by 99%; With the increase of the thickness of the laminated layer, the flexural stiffness increases and the mid span deflection decreases.

By comparing the load displacement curves in the middle of span under the same load and boundary conditions, the effects of different factors on the flexural properties of composite floor slab are explored.

Therefore, this paper intends to select some floor elements in the cast chord supported composite floor for finite element analysis, explore the mechanical properties of the composite floor and study the factors affecting its stiffness..

Chen Zhihua and others proposed a chord supported concrete integrated roof formed by combining prestressed steel and concrete slab, and analyzed its basic characteristics; Based on the existing achievements, Qiao Wentao and others analyzed the static and dynamic characteristics of chord supported concrete integrated roof structure; An et al.

When the loading is completed, the mid span deflection value is 59mm.

In order to explore the mechanical properties of the floor part of the composite floor, From the cast chord supported steel-concrete composite floor, the standard floor element formed by the connection and combination of four trough composite plates through inter plate connectors is selected as the research object, and its mechanical performance in the normal use stage is simulated and analyzed by finite element method.

In order to explore in detail the effects of concrete strength, thickness of composite layer, height of rib beam and height of connectors between plates on the flexural stiffness and other mechanical properties of composite floor slab, 13 finite element models are established to analyze the variable parameters of trough reinforced truss composite plate and connectors between plates.

In order to effectively solve the above problems of chord supported composite floor, a cast chord supported lightweight concrete composite floor structure using reinforced truss trough composite slab instead of ordinary reinforced concrete precast slab is proposed, in which the introduction of trough composite slab effectively reduces the self weight of the structure and improves the degree of assembly.

The simulation results show that due to the existence of rib beam and post cast strip, in the initial stage of loading, the single slot composite plate element takes the lead in two-way bending deformation, and the mid span deflection is the largest.

Its structural stress is reasonable and can give full play to the performance of materials.

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