China Precast Magnet

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Vigorously promote the application of precast │ the Ministry of Finance printed and distributed the opinions on financial support for carbon

We will deepen the establishment of demonstration counties for the integration of urban and rural transport, and improve the equalization of urban and rural transport services.

Bring the work of carbon peak and carbon neutralization into the overall layout of ecological civilization construction and the overall situation of economic and social development.

Annex: opinions on financial support for carbon peak and carbon neutralization the full text of the opinions of the Ministry of Finance on May 25, 2022 on financial support for carbon peak and carbon neutralization is as follows: in order to thoroughly implement the major strategic decision of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on carbon peak and carbon neutralization, According to the opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on completely, accurately and comprehensively implementing the new development concept and the relevant work deployment of the action plan for carbon peaking before 2030 (GF [2021] No.

23), the following opinions are put forward on financial support for carbon peaking and carbon neutralization.

We will improve support policies and encourage unconventional natural gas production to increase production.

53) departments (bureaus) of finance of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government and cities specifically designated in the state plan, finance bureaus of Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, and local regulatory bureaus of the Ministry of Finance: in order to implement the major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on promoting carbon peak and carbon neutralization, and give full play to the role of finance, To promote the timely realization of the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization, the opinions on financial support for carbon peak and carbon neutralization are hereby printed and distributed to you.

Cast In Loop

Support renewable energy such as photovoltaic, wind power and biomass energy, as well as new energy with stable output to replace fossil energy.

Strengthen communication and ensure smooth internal and external communication.

Please comply with them.

Promote the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, continue to carry out comprehensive treatment of coal-fired boilers and industrial furnaces, expand the scope of support for clean heating in winter in the northern region, and encourage the use of clean energy heating according to local conditions.

We will strengthen the overall planning of financial resources and implement a direct financial fund mechanism on a regular basis.

We will promote the coordinated development of capital, tax, government procurement and other policies to improve the efficiency of fiscal policies.

(2) Support green and low-carbon transformation in key industries and fields.

We will optimize clean energy support policies, vigorously support the high proportion of renewable energy, and promote the construction of a new power system in which the proportion of new energy is gradually increasing.

Result oriented, reward the good and punish the bad.

1、 General requirements (I) guiding ideology.

Based on the present, with a long-term view.

Strengthen support for the R & D, promotion and application of green technologies such as low carbon, zero carbon and negative carbon, energy conservation and environmental protection..

Adhere to the coordinated promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, actively build a fiscal and tax policy system that is conducive to promoting efficient use of resources and green and low-carbon development, promote a better combination of promising governments and effective markets, and support the timely realization of the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

Adhere to the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities, fairness and respective capabilities, strengthen multilateral and bilateral international financial dialogue, exchanges and cooperation, coordinate domestic and international resources, promote advanced green and low-carbon technologies and experiences at home and abroad, deeply participate in global climate governance, and actively strive for international resource support.

We will continue to promote the substitution of electric energy in industries, transportation, construction, agriculture and rural areas, and implement “electricity instead of coal” and “electricity instead of oil”.

Take measures according to local conditions and promote as a whole.

Orderly reduction and substitution, and promote the transformation and upgrading of coal consumption.

Local financial departments have taken into account the local work foundation and reality, steadily and orderly promoted their work, implemented policies by categories, and formulated and implemented financial support measures that meet both their own reality and the overall requirements.

We will support the northern heating areas to carry out energy-saving transformation of existing urban residential buildings and rural houses, and promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality in urban and rural construction.

We will strengthen supervision over energy conservation in key industries and equipment, and organize energy measurement reviews.

We will encourage regions where conditions permit to take the lead in making trials, develop new types of energy storage and pumped storage according to local conditions, and accelerate the formation of a power development mechanism based on energy storage and peak shaving capacity.

We will strengthen budget constraints and performance management, and the central government will provide incentives and support to regions that have achieved outstanding results in promoting related work; In areas where the promotion of relevant work is not active or the results are not obvious, the relevant transfer payment funds shall be appropriately deducted to form an incentive and restraint mechanism.

By 2030, a fiscal and tax policy system conducive to green and low-carbon development will be basically formed, a long-term mechanism to promote green and low-carbon development will be gradually established, and the goal of carbon peak will be smoothly achieved.

Support the development of industrial sectors towards high-end, intelligent, green and advanced manufacturing.

Focusing on achieving the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization on schedule, we will strengthen the connection between financial support policies and the outline of the national “fourteenth five year plan”, seize the critical and window period of the “fourteenth five year plan” carbon peak work, implement active financial policies to improve efficiency, pay more attention to the requirements of accuracy and sustainability, and reasonably plan the policy system of financial support for carbon peak and carbon neutralization.

Before 2060, the policy system of fiscal support for green and low-carbon development was mature and sound, and the goal of carbon neutrality was successfully achieved.

Notice on printing and distributing opinions on financial support for carbon peak and carbon neutralization (CAI Zi Huan [2022] No.

(2) Working principles.

By 2025, the fiscal policy tools will be continuously enriched, the fiscal and tax policy framework conducive to green and low-carbon development will be initially established, and strong support will be given to all regions and industries to accelerate green and low-carbon transformation.

2、 Support key directions and areas (1) support the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system.

Vigorously support the development of new energy vehicles, improve the supporting policies for charging and switching infrastructure, and steadily promote the demonstration and application of fuel cell vehicles.

(3) We will support green and low-carbon scientific and technological innovation and basic capacity-building.

Support the optimization and adjustment of transportation structure.

(3) Main objectives.

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