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Ministry of housing and urban rural development issued technical guide for modular construction of cast steel structure

71) and promote the development of precast steel structure module building, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development organized the preparation of the technical guide for precast steel structure module building (hereinafter referred to as the guide), which was recently issued and issued, requiring all localities to refer to it in light of actual conditions.

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In order to implement the guidance of the general office of the State Council on vigorously developing precast buildings (GBF [2016] No.

The guide is applicable to the design, fabrication, installation, quality acceptance and maintenance management of industrial and civil modular buildings.

Annex: Technical Guide for precast steel structure module construction, general office of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, june9,2022 (this document is publicly released), click the end of the document“.

According to different design working years, emergency module buildings can be divided into emergency general module buildings and emergency temporary module buildings.

Modular buildings include modular buildings implemented according to the current national planning, construction approval process and design and construction standards, and emergency modular buildings for emergency response to public security events.

71), To promote the development of precast steel structure module building, our department has organized the preparation of the technical guide for precast steel structure module building, which is now printed and distributed to you.

Please refer to it in combination with the actual situation.

The original text is as follows: the general office of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development has notified the housing and urban rural development departments of all provinces and autonomous regions, the housing and urban rural development (Management) Committee of municipalities directly under the central government, and the housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps on printing and distributing the technical guide for precast steel structure module construction: in order to implement the guiding opinions of the general office of the State Council on vigorously developing precast buildings (GBF [2016] No.

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