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Authoritative release │ the Ministry of housing and urban rural development issued the technical guide for precast steel structure module

In the event of various natural disasters, in order to ensure people’s basic survival needs and social stability during the disaster period, it is urgent to quickly rebuild shelters and quickly build emergency service projects for the people in the disaster areas.

Thirdly, the modular building plays an important role in emergency rescue when natural disasters such as earthquake, flood and landslide occur.

Waved Anchor

In terms of green and low-carbon, compared with the traditional construction method, the modular building can reduce the on-site construction waste by more than 75% and the on-site construction noise pollution by more than 90%.

It has the advantages of fast construction, good construction and complete functions.

Modular building is a new model for the development of precast buildings, which conforms to the development direction of building industrialization, intellectualization and greening proposed in the guiding opinions on promoting the coordinated development of intelligent construction and building industrialization and several opinions on accelerating the development of new building industrialization formulated by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development and other departments.

The modular building factory has a high degree of completion and integration.

It is used to replace the decentralized, low-level and low-efficiency manual construction method of local traditional buildings, which greatly improves the speed of local construction projects, and plays a good role in driving and attracting the emergency construction assistance and technology output in the economically underdeveloped areas of the “the Belt and Road” such as Central Asia and Africa, The brand of “built in China” has been established..

In order to implement the guiding opinions of the general office of the State Council on vigorously developing precast buildings (GBF [2016] No.

The “disassembly and assembly” module building has the advantages of rapid construction, rapid collection, trans regional transfer, and repeated utilization, which strongly supports the needs of the army.

Among them, the steel structure integrated module unit (hereinafter referred to as “module unit”) is a three-dimensional space body with building use function, which is composed of factory precast steel structure main structure, enclosure wall, bottom plate, top plate, interior parts, equipment pipelines, etc.

Modular buildings are widely used in developed countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and Singapore.

Modular architecture modularizes the building space in the design stage, and carries out architectural integration and integrated design, which not only ensures the expandability of functional space, but also ensures the maximization of component repetition rate; In the production stage, the modular units can realize factory standardized assembly line mass production, and the uniformity of building quality can be well guaranteed; In the construction and installation stage, the overall module unit assembly and installation method is adopted, which has higher installation accuracy and faster assembly speed, and is conducive to the realization of digital information coordination, tracking and management in the whole process of design, production and construction.

In addition, the module building also has good application prospects in the fields of epidemic prevention and control, military facilities construction, emergency disaster relief and the construction of the national “the Belt and Road”.

According to incomplete statistics, since the outbreak of the epidemic, 65 centralized isolation and treatment hospital projects have been built, covering an area of nearly 1.08 million m2, and 47267 modules have been used, which has played an important role in the prevention and control of the epidemic and the protection of people’s lives.

Through on-site parallel construction, the module building changes the conventional series process into parallel process, greatly shortens the construction time, can well cope with the impact of various natural disasters on people’s lives, and has played an active supporting role in the resettlement and treatment of previous natural disasters.

71), and promote the development of precast steel structure module buildings, The Ministry of housing and urban rural development has organized the preparation of the technical guide for modular construction of cast steel structure ↓↓ preface the modular construction of cast steel structure (hereinafter referred to as “modular construction”) is a cast building mainly composed of steel structure integrated module units at the construction site.

While realizing standardized production and rapid integrated assembly, it ensures the high quality of the project and the green and low-carbon development of the project construction.

In recent years, modular buildings have been gradually applied in Beijing, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Guangdong and other provinces in China, such as the recent construction of N20 project in Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone and Kunshan Fuyuan Industrial neighborhood center.

By virtue of its nationwide unified allocation of resources, ultra fast construction speed, high construction quality, large regiment construction organization mode and other advantages, the module building has played a key role in the prevention and control of epidemic situation, the resistance war and the protracted war.

The module unit is convenient for land and sea transportation, and has the comprehensive advantages of controllable quality, controllable cost and controllable progress.

The “disassembly and assembly” module building characterized by the “box steel structure” technology has been more and more widely used in our army’s cross region mobility, field training and various military operations.

As a system with relatively independent functions, each module unit can provide basic support for soldiers’ training and life.

Fourth, modular architecture has played an important role in the construction and technology export of the surrounding countries of the “the Belt and Road” strategy.

The types of construction projects cover public rental housing, commercial housing, office buildings, hotels, schools, etc., and the maximum number of floors is 18.

Second, modular buildings have played an important role in the military training and border defense projects.

It is estimated that the main assembly rate of modular buildings can reach more than 90%, the on-site labor volume can be reduced by 70% compared with the traditional mode, and the comprehensive construction period can be shortened by more than 1/3 compared with the traditional construction mode.

It is suitable for apartments, hotels, schools, dormitories, residences, medical treatment, office and other civil buildings, as well as some industrial buildings.

First, since the outbreak of COVID-19, modular buildings have been used in Wuhan Liangshan hospital built in early 2020, Hebei Shijiazhuang and Xingtai Nangong anti epidemic isolation and treatment hospitals built in early 2021, and Hong Kong Qingyi shelter hospital recently built with the assistance of the central government.

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