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Luo Yongfeng: The promulgation of the Evaluation Standard for Steel Structure Fabricated Building Bearing Plate Production Enterprises is of

Expert opinion: Luo Yongfeng, director of the Steel Structure Expert Committee of China Building Metal Structure Association, professor of Tongji University, doctoral advisor, editor in chief of the Evaluation Standard for Steel Structure Fabricated Building Deck Manufacturers (T/CCMSA20329-2022), As an important supporting component for the construction of cast steel structure buildings, the market capacity of floor bearing plates has expanded rapidly and substantially.

The promulgation of the Evaluation Standard for Steel Structure Fabricated Building Deck Production Enterprises provides a unified standard for the evaluation of steel structure cast building deck production enterprises in the industry, provides a unified basis for steel structure cast building construction enterprises to select floor deck production enterprises and floor deck products, and is of great significance and role in standardizing the development order of China’s floor deck industry and improving the overall level of industry development…

Many traditional building, material and machinery manufacturers have begun to participate in the research, development and production of such products, which has led to the emergence of various types of floor bearing plate products in China’s construction market.

However, due to the lack of unified evaluation standards for product production and processing, as well as the overall supervision and guidance within the industry, the disordered competition in the floor bearing plate market occurs frequently, and the product quality is mixed, which makes the quality acceptance of the floor bearing plate of related projects lack of basis, and there are various adverse phenomena such as different degrees of safety hazards in the engineering application, which seriously restricts the healthy development of the floor bearing plate industry.

According to the current development situation of the steel structure cast building deck industry in China, in order to standardize, guide and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the new type of floor deck industry, with the active promotion, full participation and strong support of many industry enterprises, the China Building Metal Structure Association organized industry backbone enterprises and experts from design, research and other institutions, It has prepared and promulgated the association’s group standard Evaluation Standard for Steel Structure Fabricated Building Deck Production Enterprises (T/CCMSA20329-2022) and the corresponding Administrative Measures for Evaluation of Steel Structure Fabricated Building Deck Production Enterprises.

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