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55% cast │ Beijing Municipal People’s Government printed and distributed the full text of Beijing Carbon Peak Implementation Plan

Advocate a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyle and cultivate green culture.

On October 11, 2022, the Beijing Municipal People’s Government will make Beijing’s contribution to the national carbon peak through 28 initiatives in seven aspects.

Drive innovation and deepen reform.

Fully integrate the requirements of reaching the peak and neutralizing carbon into the territorial and spatial planning, medium and long-term planning for national economic and social development and all kinds of planning at all levels.

(2) Working principle: overall planning and coordinated promotion.

By 2025, precast buildings will account for 55% of the new building area.

3、 Deepen the implementation of urban function orientation and promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development (3) Strengthen the guidance of green and low-carbon development planning.

Adhere to the leadership of the development of the capital in the new era, deeply implement the strategy of humanistic Beijing, scientific and technological Beijing and green Beijing, deeply implement the coordinated development strategy of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, firmly hold the non capital function of Beijing to ease this “ox nose”, unswervingly follow the high-quality development path of ecological priority and green and low-carbon, incorporate carbon peak and carbon neutralization into the overall economic and social development of the capital, adhere to the systematic concept, and properly handle development and emission reduction The relationship between the overall and partial, long-term and short-term goals, the government and the market, with the overall green transformation of economic and social development as the guide, and the green and low-carbon development of energy as the key, accelerate the formation of an industrial structure, production mode, lifestyle, and space pattern that saves resources and protects the environment, make green and low-carbon the distinctive background of the capital of a modern socialist power, and focus on efficiency leadership, scientific and technological support, and mechanism innovation, Make Beijing’s contribution to the national carbon peak.

All regions and fields are encouraged to take the initiative to implement policies according to local conditions.

Strengthen the connection and coordination between all levels and plans, and ensure that all regions and fields implement the main goals, development direction, major policies, major projects, etc.

Beijing Municipal People’s Government Notice on Printing and Distributing the Beijing Carbon Peak Implementation Plan JZF [2022] No.

We will give top priority to energy and resources conservation, implement a comprehensive conservation strategy, and continue to reduce energy and resource consumption and carbon emissions per unit of output.

The full text is as follows: The Beijing Carbon Peak Implementation Plan is formulated to thoroughly implement the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on carbon peak and carbon neutrality, reflect the responsibility of the capital of a responsible big country, solidly promote the relevant work of the city, and contribute Beijing’s strength to achieving the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality as scheduled.

of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization in a coordinated manner.

Give full play to the role of the international scientific and technological innovation center, vigorously promote the research, development, demonstration and application of green low-carbon technologies, and provide important scientific and technological support for the country to achieve carbon peak.

Give priority to saving and focus on promoting.

Lifting Socket

31 People’s Governments of all districts, committees, offices and bureaus of the municipal government, and municipal institutions: Now the Beijing Carbon Peak Implementation Plan is printed and distributed to you.

Focusing on key areas such as construction, transportation and industry, we will give full play to the synergy of technology, management and engineering, and promote the efficiency of energy resource utilization from the national leader to the international leader.

We will strengthen government guidance, build a system of laws, regulations and standards conducive to green and low-carbon development, deepen reform in energy and related fields, give full play to the role of the market mechanism, form an effective incentive and restraint mechanism, and actively play a leading and exemplary role.

2、 During the “Fourteenth Five Year Plan” period, the energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will continue to maintain the optimal level at the provincial level, the construction of a safe, resilient and low-carbon energy system has made phased progress, the research, development, promotion and application of green low-carbon technologies have made significant progress, the economic system of green and low-carbon circular development with the characteristics of the capital has been basically formed, and the policy system and working mechanism of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization have been further improved.

Strengthen regional coordination, give play to Beijing’s driving and leading role, and promote the green and low-carbon transformation and development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

By 2025, the proportion of renewable energy consumption will reach more than 14.4%, the energy consumption per unit of GDP will be 14% lower than that in 2020, and the carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will be reduced to ensure that the national targets are met.

It is proposed to further develop precast buildings.

Firmly establish the bottom line thinking, based on the characteristics of super large cities, orderly promote the adjustment and optimization of energy structure, effectively deal with the economic, financial and social risks that may accompany the green and low-carbon transformation, ensure the stable economic and social operation of the capital, and achieve safe carbon reduction.

Adhere to the overall planning of the city, highlight the system concept, strengthen the overall deployment, implement the same responsibility of the party and government, and compact the responsibilities of all parties.

First establish, then break, and prevent risks.

During the “Tenth Five Year Plan” period, energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP continued to decline, energy utilization efficiency of some key industries reached the international advanced level, green technology innovation centers with international influence and regional radiation were basically built, and the overall green transformation of economic and social development took the lead in achieving significant results, and the laws, policies and standards system of carbon peak and carbon neutral was basically sound.

(The Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Commission, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the district governments, and the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee are responsible according to the division of responsibilities.) (IV) Build a differentiated green and low-carbon development pattern..

Please implement it carefully.

By 2030, the proportion of renewable energy consumption will reach about 25%, and the carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will ensure the completion of the national targets and the achievement of the carbon peak target by 2030.

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