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National promotion! Hefei Precast Buildings These three measures have been affirmed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development

China Steel Structure Gold Award – Hefei Ziyun Square implemented the key post training of precast building construction with certificates to improve the skills of industrial workers.

In the 2021 provincial precast construction vocational skills competition, the Hefei delegation won all the first prizes, 11 second prizes and 11 third prizes at one stroke, leading other teams remotely, It fully demonstrates the achievements and advantages of the construction of Hefei precast construction talent team…

22), which clearly put forward that precast buildings should fully implement the “1+5” construction mode: “precast buildings”+”EPC+BIM+new templates+professional teams+green buildings”.

Through rigid scoring, as the key content The expert review and demonstration links in the two stages of completion acceptance shall be strictly checked and implemented in detail.

Hefei printed and issued the Implementation Opinions of Hefei Municipal People’s Government Office on Further Promoting the Development of Building Industrialization (He Zheng Ban [2019] No.

On November 25, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development printed and distributed the List of replicable and popularized experiences in the development of precast buildings (the first batch), summarizing and refining the experience and practices in six major aspects, including policy guidance, technical support, industrial development, capacity improvement, supervision and management, and innovative development, formed in the vigorous development of precast buildings across the country, There are three replicable promotion experiences in Hefei that have been recognized by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development and selected into the List of replicable promotion experiences in precast buildings development (the first batch) for nationwide promotion.

The proportion of precast buildings in new buildings has increased from less than 8% to more than 38% today.

On the site of the Third Assembled Construction Vocational Skills Competition in Hefei, Hefei held three consecutive precast construction vocational skills competitions to create a good atmosphere for the whole industry to advocate skills.

From 2020, all affordable housing (including shantytowns, urban villages, housing for demolition and resettlement, rental housing, etc.), talent apartments and other residential buildings in Hefei and public buildings with a government invested building area of more than 100000 square meters will fully apply precast construction technology.

They have regularly carried out training for operators in key posts such as precast construction grouting workers and assemblers.

Hefei attaches great importance to the training of precast construction talents, and has successively issued a series of documents such as the Notice on the Immediate Training of Operators in Key Positions of Fabricated Building Construction in Hefei, and the Notice on Regulating the Behavior of Operators in Key Positions such as Grouting Workers in Fabricated Buildings in Hefei, which are detailed in terms of training organization, lecturers, training contents, theoretical and practical requirements, and assessment, Prepare the Hefei Precast Building Application Technology Manual (including 10 special chapters for grouting worker training, assembler training, etc.), and vigorously support EPC enterprises Enterprises in the industrialization base have built a training school and training base for workers in the precast construction industry.

Through years of implementation and practice, the precast residential area Binhu Qinyuan Community has achieved the expected results, created a number of application demonstration projects, and strongly promoted the steady and sound development of precast buildings in Hefei.

Rebar Chair

At the end of 2020, Hefei Municipal Government asked the Municipal Bureau of Urban and Rural Development and the Municipal Bureau of Finance to jointly print and distribute the Interim Measures for the Administration of Financial Rewards and Subsidies for Assembled Buildings in Hefei, which will give special municipal financial awards of 50-100 yuan per square meter for the precast affordable housing projects invested and constructed by counties and districts.

Since 2018, Hefei has accumulated a total of 37.858 million square meters of newly built precast buildings, which has driven the construction industry to produce an output value of more than 100 billion yuan.

At the same time, several practical and feasible supporting measures, such as the Guidelines for the Implementation of Hefei Precast Construction Project Bidding, the Work Plan for the General Contracting Management of Hefei Precast Construction Projects, and the Calculation Method for the Assembling Rate of Hefei Precast Buildings, were introduced to quantify the requirements of various indicators of the “1+5” construction mode.

Under the guidance of the demonstration of the application of precast buildings in government subsidized housing projects, and in addition to the implementation of many landing policies such as floor area ratio incentives, from January to November 2022, 585 new precast commercial residential buildings were constructed in the city, with a total floor area of 5.324 million square meters, accounting for 65.8% of the total number of newly constructed precast civil buildings in the same period, with a year-on-year growth of 667%.

The overall quality of precast buildings in the city has been steadily improved, and the quality of precast residential buildings has basically achieved “zero complaints”.

Over the past two years, Hefei municipal government has allocated 206 million yuan in advance to the economic development zone, Yaohai District, Feidong County, Feixi County and other seven counties and districts for the construction of precast affordable housing, effectively relieving the financial pressure of counties and districts, effectively promoting the construction of precast affordable housing in counties and districts, and effectively mobilizing the enthusiasm of all parties to apply precast buildings to further accelerate the development of precast buildings in our city.

The enthusiasm of Hefei to actively adopt precast construction for developing commercial residential projects has never been higher.

In terms of innovation and development, Hefei has fully implemented the “1+5” construction model in precast construction projects, helping the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.

More than 2000 qualified precast industrial workers have been trained, and the percentage of grouting workers and assemblers in the construction site with certificates has reached 100%, providing team skills guarantee to ensure the quality and healthy development of precast construction structures.

In terms of policy guidance, Hefei will give financial awards and subsidies to the precast affordable housing (including rural housing) invested by counties and districts.

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