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Heavyweight! Our city further defines the implementation scope of precast buildings

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For projects that have obtained the planning and design conditions for construction land before the implementation date of the Notice, the Implementation Opinions of Huizhou Municipal People’s Government Office on Vigorously Developing Fabricated Buildings shall be followed.

It is reported that according to the requirements of the National Standard for the Evaluation of Fabricated Buildings or the Guangdong Provincial Standard for the Evaluation of Fabricated Buildings, the certified assembly rate of precast buildings shall not be less than 50%.

In order to promote the sustainable development of precast buildings and increase the proportion of precast buildings, on January 5, the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau issued the Notice of Huizhou Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau on Further Clarifying the Implementation Scope of Fabricated Buildings (hereinafter referred to as the Notice) to further clarify and optimize the implementation scope of precast buildings in our city.

The Notice clearly states that public buildings and affordable housing with a total floor area of more than 5000 square meters (including 5000 square meters) above the ground for new projects invested by the government shall adopt precast buildings, with the implementation ratio of 100%.

According to the requirements of the Notice, the newly acquired and re verified projects with construction land planning and design conditions shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Notice.

In terms of new social investment projects, large public buildings, workshops (including storage rooms) and R&D rooms with a floor area of 20000 square meters or more on the ground should be precast buildings, with the implementation ratio of 100%; Residential building projects (including public rental housing and affordable rental housing projects invested and constructed by enterprises) with a floor area of 50000 square meters or more by plot ratio above the ground shall adopt precast buildings, with the implementation ratio not less than 35%.

For new buildings with a single aboveground building area of 5000 square meters or less, the appropriate precast building technology can be selected voluntarily in six situations, and no precast building evaluation requirements are required.

For new industrial land, commercial and residential land and other mixed land projects, precast buildings shall be used according to the above requirements according to the planned single building function or type.

Lifting Socket

▲ Construction site of Hongkun Jiuxi Mangrove Garden Project.

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