China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Fabricated buildings, the next trillion blue ocean

In the past, when housing enterprises participated in precast buildings, they were more interested in the efficiency and quality of precast buildings.

Compared with traditional building methods, precast buildings achieve “five saving and one environmental protection”, that is, water saving, energy saving, time saving, material saving and land saving, so that resource utilization can be changed from extensive to intensive, which greatly reduces the pollution of the construction site.

Looking back on the performance of this year, the precast construction index has risen 14.57% in a year, ranking first in terms of growth, second only to the Baima Stock Index, Xiong’an New Area Index and Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Index.

It is expected to complete the first three factories in the first quarter of 2018, becoming one of the largest precast building production bases in the world.

China will strive to use about 10 years to make the proportion of precast buildings in new buildings reach 30%.

Meihao Real Estate: As a small and beautiful enterprise, Meihao Real Estate began to test precast buildings in 2013, making precast buildings one of its core advantages.

This is undoubtedly a huge blue ocean.

Among them, the precast construction index rose by 3.6%, which is the only wind concept sector with an increase of more than 3%.

Commercial housing development projects that use precast buildings may not be subject to the requirements of the project construction schedule when dealing with housing pre-sales.

Historically, the Crystal Palace, built in London in 1851 with an iron skeleton and glass inlay, is the first large-scale precast building in the world.

The main reasons for the state’s strong support are to vigorously promote policies and support the advantages of high-quality, efficient, green and environmental protection of precast buildings to drive the industrial chain.

On September 27, 2016, the General Office of the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Vigorously Developing Fabricated Buildings.

On Monday (June 19), the concept plate in the A-share market rose in a large area.

Part1 The development status of precast buildings with the same process and different fates at home and abroad Internationally, precast buildings are regarded as a major change in the construction industry and have long been widely adopted by developed countries.

Many housing enterprises have increased or started to invest in precast buildings with the help of policies.

It is not only mandatory, but also has a maximum subsidy of 10 million yuan for each item.

In 2003, Vanke established the Vanke Factory Center, which is dedicated to researching the precast system.

Under the call of national policies, more than 30 provinces and cities across the country have issued supporting policies on assembly, including Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hebei and other regions.

From then on, Meihao Real Estate Group’s precast construction business will rise on the shoulders of giants, win broader development space and obtain support from advanced technologies..

Beijing – Real gold and silver, with a lot of discounts, and driven by both area and financial incentives.

Shanghai – Enwei pays equal attention to both.

Fabricated buildings are like “building blocks” to build houses.

The advantages of part2 are prominent.

At the end of 2016, Country Garden built six precast building production plants about 4km away from its forest city project in Malaysia.

As early as 2003, it began to promote precast buildings, which can be said to be a leader in this field.

At the same time, the policy is good, and how can the real estate enterprises miss it.

Plastic Nail Plate

In Beijing, enterprises that use precast buildings are given certain area incentives and financial incentives, and financial institutions are encouraged to increase credit support for precast construction projects.

After the Second World War, the housing shortage in European countries, Japan and other countries was serious.

To achieve the goal of 30%, the plan given in the Guiding Opinions is to “focus on the promotion of the three urban agglomerations of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta, actively promote other cities with a permanent population of more than 3 million, and encourage other cities to develop precast concrete structures, steel structures, modern wood structures and other precast buildings according to local conditions”.

In February 2017, Meihao Real Estate Group reached a strategic cooperation with the leading international precast construction enterprise Ebarvey/Preh Group, Germany.

However, in China, due to the immaturity of technology and high cost, the promotion of precast buildings is slow, accounting for less than 5% of new buildings, and most of them are used in public buildings.

Now, taking a share of this field is also the direction of enterprise development.

Vanke: As the leader of the real estate industry, Vanke has always practiced the concept of green and low-carbon development.

Up to now, it has accumulated 6 invention patents and 8 new patents, realizing the localization of key technology products.

Country Garden: Country Garden reached a strategic cooperation with Zhongmin Zhuyou Technology Group in February 2016, and Zhongmin Zhuyou Technology Group will provide global leading architectural industrialization services for Country Garden Group.

After the beams, columns and other components are precast in the factory, they are assembled at the construction site.

By the 1960s, precast buildings had been widely promoted.

It was urgent to solve the housing problem, which promoted the development of precast buildings.

There are few precast houses, which can be said to be basically a blank.

Part 3 trillion, which has attracted countless real estate enterprises to explore the smart precast buildings, must have found that, according to the national policy call, even if the output value of China’s construction industry does not increase in the next ten years, which will remain at 19 trillion yuan in 2016, the precast buildings will also have a market output value of nearly 6 trillion yuan.

In addition to the proportion of precast residential buildings newly built in Shanghai, it is mandatory to give certain subsidies.

Specifically, for precast residential projects with a total floor area of more than 30000 square meters and a precast assembly rate of 45% or more, the subsidy is 100 yuan per square meter, and the maximum subsidy for a single project is 10 million yuan; For projects that voluntarily implement precast buildings, no more than 3% of the plot ratio will be awarded; If precast sandwich thermal insulation wall is adopted for external wall of precast building, a floor area ratio reward of no more than 3% will be given.

Up to now, precast buildings have become very mature abroad.

In the future, forest city buildings will be built in the mode of building industrialization.

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