China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development identified the first batch of precast building demonstration cities and industrial bases

At the same time, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will carry out dynamic supervision, and entry into the list cannot be done once and for all, and those who fail to pass the evaluation will be revoked.

Round Bar Ferrule

as the first batch of precast construction industrial bases (the list is attached).

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development recently issued a document identifying 30 cities including Beijing as the first batch of precast construction demonstration cities, and 195 enterprises including Beijing Housing and Urban-Rural Development Group Co., Ltd.

Each precast building demonstration city and industrial base shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of JK [2017] No.

77 document, solidly promote the work of precast buildings, timely explore and summarize a number of replicable and promotable precast building development experience, and effectively play the role of demonstration and industrial support.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will carry out dynamic management of precast building demonstration cities and industrial bases, carry out regular evaluation, and revoke the recognition of unqualified ones.

All provincial competent departments of housing construction should strengthen the supervision and management of demonstration cities and industrial bases, and regularly organize inspection and assessment.

The provincial competent department of housing construction in Xiaobaozi has the responsibility of supervision and management.

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