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Detailed explanation of the treatment method of making floor paint on the old cement floor

6 Flame roasting If conditions permit, use flame or high temperature air to roast the deep grease dirt on the ground to remove it.

▲ Huizhi Diamond Light ▲ Three Tree Paint ▲ Litec: 13925595097 5 Acid etching is another common external surface treatment method.

Using this method may damage cement with poor strength, so special attention should be paid to safety during operation.

How much do you know about curing floor? 7.

If you choose this treatment method, you usually need to use repair materials to repair the appearance from scratch.

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Floor dry goods: I will teach you how to treat the old cement floor with floor paint Disclaimer: today’s platform release, excerpt

This method can remove the old paint film and maintenance agent layer on the cement surface, and provide a certain roughness for coating.

Construction method of cement self-leveling floor 10.

The surface layer can be removed by using the sandblasting machine to blast the steel sand at high speed to impact the cement.

It is usually used for external surface treatment of new cement floor, which can remove laitance, but cannot remove grease, dirt and old paint film.

2 Planing refers to the mechanical removal of the cement surface, mainly used in the case of serious oil pollution.

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Precautions: During acid etching, operators must wear masks, protective clothing, rubber gloves and rubber boots.

▲ Henghe Yongsheng ▲ The old cement floor of Tianjin Yushen Building is usually damaged to varying degrees after being used or placed for a long time.

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Complete version of emery wear-resistant floor construction scheme! 4.

3 Mechanical polishing Mechanical polishing is a treatment method often used when repainting the old paint film, which can remove laitance and other substances on the cement surface.

For example, the floor grinder of Yiming Technology has various styles and different weights.

Facing all kinds of ground damage, the old pilots have their own methods, so what should the newcomers do? 1 Mechanical sandblasting Mechanical sandblasting is a common method of appearance treatment.

If you want to renovate the paint, you need to repair the old ground before you can renovate it.

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Construction of emery wear-resistant floor and curing agent 5.

Manual or electric wire brush grinding is selected to remove loose objects on the cement surface and expose the cement hollowing during the pouring process.

And ensure adequate ventilation.

Self-leveling floor leveling construction technology 2.

Reduce the roughness of cement to better paint the floor paint.

You can select the appropriate machinery according to the ground you are working on, and then polish the ground to a certain roughness for renovation and repair.

When adding acid, acid must be added to water, and water must not be added to acid.

Epoxy self-leveling floor construction scheme (complete version) 8.


It should be noted that the mechanical sand blasting method cannot remove the grease on the surface, so the grease on the ground must be removed with degreaser or cleaner before sand blasting.

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