China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Increase the application of prefabricated construction technology │ Notice on Issuing the Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in the

Introduction: The “Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in the Construction Industry of Nanjing City” clearly states: to promote the industrial development of new buildings represented by prefabricated buildings, vigorously promote the standardization of parts and components, and actively promote prefabricated decoration.

Intensify the application of prefabricated construction technology, promote green, industrialized, information-based, and intensive construction methods, and promote the coordinated development of intelligent construction and building industrialization.

By 2025, prefabricated buildings will account for 60% of the newly started construction area during the same period, and prefabricated decoration buildings will account for 30% of the newly started finished housing area during the same period.

Conduct research on suitable technology routes for green farmhouses and promote the construction of green farmhouses.

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Promote new construction methods such as prefabricated buildings according to local conditions.


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