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Beijing: adjust the cost standard of precast decoration and construction and installation of public rental housing in this city

Notice of Beijing Municipal Commission of housing and urban rural development on adjusting the cost standard of precast decoration and construction and installation projects of public rental housing in this city, JJF [2021] No.

The centralized and supporting new public rental housing projects and reconstructed public rental housing projects newly approved in the administrative region of this city are applicable to this notice.

This index is calculated according to the building area, including public areas such as staircases and elevators and indoor areas, excluding underground space.

The Municipal Department of housing and urban rural development and the Municipal Department of planning and natural resources shall organize experts to review the full decoration design scheme in combination with the model room, strengthen the supervision during and after the event, and carry out flight inspection according to the implementation of the decoration standards.

From Beijing Municipal Commission of housing and urban rural development on November 25, 2021: Research Report on precast buildings – Research on structural system differences, policy context and economic applicability, ten key points of BIM project application, industry hot spots – key points of open government affairs of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development! Involving six aspects “What signal has the Ministry of housing and Urban Rural Development released when it convened another meeting in six cities?” contact person of China Institute of housing assembly technology: Zhao Hao 18612749639 QR code of China Institute of housing assembly technology..

This notice shall be implemented as of December 15, 2021.

18), The cost of precast decoration, construction and installation of public rental housing in this city is hereby notified as follows: 1.

3 the development and construction unit and the design unit shall carry out the design of the delivery of fully decorated finished houses in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the construction and evaluation standard of public rental houses (DB11 / t1365), and promise to deliver the fully decorated finished houses in accordance with the standard to ensure the design quality.


Halfen Frimeda

It is necessary to standardize the application management of “four new” materials, strengthen the quality control of engineering construction process, and vigorously implement the standardized chemical method to ensure the quality of engineering construction.

29), etc, The development and construction unit shall bear the primary responsibility for project quality and safety according to law.

5 strictly implement the requirements of relevant policy documents such as the notice on implementing the primary responsibility for project quality and safety of the construction unit (Jing Jian Fa [2021] No.

The precast decoration of public rental housing shall be priced according to the current budgetary estimate quota, and the construction and installation cost shall not be less than 1000 yuan / m2.

The cost standard of precast decoration and construction and installation project of public rental housing shall be adjusted dynamically every three years.


4 strictly implement the expert evaluation system for the whole decoration design scheme of indemnificatory housing.


394, housing and urban rural (municipal) construction committees of all districts, development and Construction Bureau of economic and Technological Development Zone, and relevant units: in order to guide development and construction enterprises to reasonably prepare the cost of construction and installation projects in the construction of public rental housing, To ensure the construction quality of public rental housing, according to the requirements of the notice on the opinions on the implementation of the delivery of fully decorated finished houses in affordable housing in this city (Jing Jian Fa [2015] No.

17) and the notice on the implementation of Several Provisions on the delivery of fully decorated finished houses in affordable housing (Jing Jian Fa [2015] No.

The development and construction unit shall build a trial and error model room before the external review of the construction drawings.

253), the notice on strengthening the “four new” safety and quality management of construction projects (Jing Jian Fa [2021] No.

247), the notice on strengthening the traceability management of project quality images (Jing Jian Fa [2021] No.

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