China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

According to the analysis of the development status of precast construction industry, the industry is developing rapidly under the concept

Among them, precast main structure includes precast concrete structure, steel structure, modern wood structure building, etc.

because it adopts standardized design, factory production, assembly construction, information management and intelligent application, it is the representative of modern industrialized production mode.

Under the trend of increasing labor cost and labor shortage in the future, the precast construction industry will develop rapidly..

In recent years, the central government and governments at all levels have intensively issued incentive policies to promote the development of building industrialization and precast buildings.

Industrial base.

Huajing Industrial Research Institute sorted out relevant policies.

According to the data, in October 2021, the number of investment records through the cast construction industry in China was 14, 33 less than that in October 2020.

With the continuous development of China’s economic level and the deepening of population aging, the problems of labor shortage and labor cost increase in China are becoming more and more serious.


Source: public data collation v.

Industrial chain the upstream of the industrial chain of precast construction industry is mainly cement, steel, wood and other raw materials and relevant precast component production equipment; The middle reaches mainly include architectural design, component production, architectural construction and precast decoration; The downstream of the industrial chain is mainly all kinds of precast buildings and related operation and maintenance.

Precast buildings can be mainly divided into two categories: Precast decoration and precast main structure.

These policies have defined industry standards, formulated development objectives and relevant subsidy and incentive policies.

Source: Ministry of housing and urban rural development and Huajing Industrial Research Institute sort out 2.

Among them, the proportion of newly started precast buildings in Shanghai accounted for 91.7%, 40.2% in Beijing, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang Both Hunan and Hainan provinces account for more than 30%.

Project investment.

According to the data, in 2020, there were 328 National precast construction industrial bases in China, accounting for 26.54% of the total bases; The provincial precast construction industry base is 908, accounting for 73.46% of the total base.

The newly started area.


With the vigorous development of precast buildings in China, investors from all walks of life have entered the industry layout.

The precast building adopts intensive scale digital production, and the precast parts are assembled on the site, which greatly saves labor and improves labor efficiency.

Source: the Ministry of housing and urban rural development and Huajing Industrial Research Institute sorted out that from the perspective of regional distribution, in 2020, the proportion of newly started precast buildings in key areas of China accounted for 54.6% of the country, and the proportion of actively promoted areas and encouraged areas accounted for 45.4%.

With the active promotion of precast construction projects all over the country, the scale of China’s precast construction industry continues to expand.

analysis of the current situation of the industry 1.

Policies help the development of the industry.

industry competition pattern at present, China’s precast construction industry can be divided into three echelons.

Classified data sources of precast buildings: public data sorting II.

Source: Ministry of housing and urban rural development and Huajing Industry Research Institute.

With the continuous development of China’s precast construction industry, the precast construction industrial base is increasing under the joint promotion of policy assistance and the enhancement of market endogenous power.

The first echelon of the industry is large and medium-sized central enterprises and state-owned enterprises represented by China Construction Group and China Railway assembly; In the second echelon of the industry are private enterprises represented by Yuanda and Hangxiao; In the third tier of the industry are other small and medium-sized enterprises.

Schematic diagram of competitive echelon of China’s precast construction industry in 2020 data source: public data sorting from the situation of precast concrete components, in 2020, the top three enterprises in China’s precast concrete component market share were Yuanda residential workers, China Construction and building materials technology, accounting for 16.5%, 9.9% and 4.6% respectively.

The traditional construction industry needs a lot of labor, so the cost rises sharply.

Since 2013, China has successively issued relevant policies to promote the development of China’s precast construction industry, Help China’s construction industry to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutralization.


the precast construction industry has the advantages of energy saving, water saving, land saving and material saving compared with the ordinary construction industry, which is more in line with China’s green development concept.

The precast building is a building assembled by precast components on the construction site.

Source: national online approval and supervision platform for investment projects.

Compared with the traditional cast-in-place buildings, the carbon emissions of precast buildings in the production and construction stages of building materials are reduced to a certain extent, so they have been strongly supported by the state.

1、 Overview precast building refers to a building that transfers a large number of on-site operations in the traditional construction mode to the factory, processes and manufactures building components and accessories (such as floor slab, wallboard, staircase, balcony, etc.) in the factory, transports them to the construction site, and assembles and installs them on site through reliable connection.

Source: public data sorting VI.

Fixing Socket Cross Pin Nail Plate

On this basis, provinces and municipalities directly under the central government have also issued regional development goals to promote the development of precast buildings in various regions.

According to data, in 2020, China’s newly started precast building area was 630 million square meters, an increase of 50.7% year-on-year in 2019; It accounts for 20.5% of the total area of newly started buildings.

Labor shortage and cost increase promote the development of the industry.

Data source of the industrial chain of the precast construction industry: public data sorting III.

Source: Ministry of housing and urban rural development and Huajing Industry Research Institute sorted out relevant reports: report on market development status and investment prospect of China’s precast construction industry from 2022 to 2027 issued by Huajing Industry Research Institute; From the perspective of structural form, 430 million square meters of newly started precast concrete structure buildings, an increase of 59.3% over 2019, accounting for 68.3% of newly started precast buildings; Precast steel structure buildings are 190 million square meters, an increase of 46% over 2019, accounting for 30.2% of newly started precast buildings.

industry trend analysis 1.

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