China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

All assembled in 2025! Notice on several policies and measures to promote the high-quality development of precast construction industry in

Responsible unit: led by the district cooperation and exchange office, Ziya economic and Technological Development Zone, high tech Industrial Park, Daqiuzhuang town and tangguantun town.

Responsible unit: led by the District Bureau of industry and information technology, Daqiuzhuang town VIII.

ensure the transportation needs of precast enterprises, assist enterprises in formulating practical transportation plans, ensure transportation routes, and provide convenient support in logistics transportation and smooth traffic for transportation vehicles that transport ultra long and ultra wide precast building components that cannot be disassembled (not overloaded).

Research on Key Technologies of precast buildings will be included in the application guidelines for annual science and technology plan projects, and priority support will be given under the same conditions.

Encourage qualified steel and traditional steel structure production enterprises to extend or transform to building components and parts production enterprises, cultivate a number of component production enterprises with reasonable scale, strong innovation ability and high automation level, and improve the industrialization capacity.

492), and in combination with the actual situation of our district, the following policies and measures are formulated.

On July 8, 2022, Jinghai District promoted the high-quality development of precast building industry.

strengthen publicity and improve the popularity and influence of Jinghai in the field of assembly industry..

Responsible units: led by the district housing and Urban Rural Development Commission, the District Finance Bureau, and the district science and Technology Bureau, the District Association for science and technology, the District Finance Bureau, Ziya Economic Development Zone, the high tech Industrial Park, Daqiuzhuang Town, and tangguantun town.

Second, increase market security and continue to expand the scale of precast buildings.

Click the blue word to pay attention to our Township People’s governments, sub district offices, committees, offices, bureaus, and directly affiliated units: in order to continue to promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry in our district and vigorously develop intelligent construction, with the consent of the leaders of the district government, we have adjusted the “several policies and measures to promote the high-quality development of the precast construction industry in Jinghai district”, which are now printed and distributed to you for your compliance.

For residential communities with national useful land of more than 50000 square meters, the proportion of precast building area is required to be no less than 50% in 2022, no less than 60% in 2023 and no less than 70% in 2024; By 2025, all new buildings are required to implement the requirements of precast buildings; As a key application area of precast buildings, Sino German eco city requires all new buildings to implement the requirements of precast buildings; The construction of residential buildings on collective construction land in villages and towns shall be carried out in precast buildings; The application of precast construction is promoted in infrastructure construction projects such as underground integrated pipe gallery and bridge; For civil buildings built on industrial land, the precast building requirements shall be implemented when the single area exceeds 2000 square meters.

Encourage precast construction production enterprises to increase R & D investment, support precast construction production enterprises to apply for national high-tech enterprises, and enjoy corresponding incentives and preferential policies according to regulations.

Daqiuzhuang town and tangguantun town should provide corresponding demonstration project engineering support.

Steel Chamfer

Responsible units: led by the District Transportation Bureau and Jinghai Branch of Public Security Bureau, Ziya Economic Development Zone, high tech Industrial Park, Daqiuzhuang Town, tangguantun town VII.

Third, with the goal of supporting the development and growth of the precast construction industry, accelerate the establishment of the precast construction industry development fund, and actively cultivate high-end precast construction R & D and production enterprises, Vigorously develop a number of precast construction industry clusters.

Responsible units: led by the district human resources and Social Security Bureau and the District Education Bureau, and the Jinghai Branch of Public Security Bureau v.

Fourth, actively implement the “Haihe talents” plan, do a good job in the training and introduction of talents in the precast construction industry, and organize and carry out skills training for related types of work in the precast construction industry.

1、 Bring the precast construction industry into the direction of key investment attraction industries, vigorously introduce domestic and foreign comprehensive leading enterprises with strong innovation ability, distinctive industrial characteristics, high industrial relevance and strong driving ability, and give priority to the implementation of various preferential policies for investment attraction.

For the selected enterprises to introduce and cultivate high-level precast building talents, priority should be given to the placement of children of high-level precast building talents under the same conditions.

Construction enterprises are encouraged to actively develop construction technologies and methods suitable for precast buildings, innovate project management modes, and accelerate the development of complete sets of construction and installation technologies, installation protection technologies, and construction quality inspection technologies.

By benchmarking “xiong’an quality and xiong’an standards”, drawing on advanced technologies at home and abroad, we encourage and support the precast construction enterprise alliance to carry out special research, gradually establish a complete set of norms and standards for the whole process of architectural design, production, construction, testing, acceptance, etc., improve the quality supervision system suitable for precast buildings, formulate industry standards and self-discipline norms, and comprehensively improve the construction level and project quality, Build Jinghai high-end precast building brand.

Responsible unit: led by the district housing and Urban Rural Development Commission, the district government affairs service office and all Township parks VI.

Standardize industry standards and establish industry benchmarks.

66) According to the spirit of the notice of the Municipal Construction Commission on accelerating the construction and development of precast construction industrial bases and industrial demonstration parks (Jin Jian Ke [2018] No.

the precast construction projects settled in Jinghai give priority to project management modes such as design procurement construction (EPC) general contracting and design construction (D-B) general contracting, and give credit bonus points in the bidding stage of precast construction enterprises.

Enterprises are encouraged to apply for precast construction industrial bases, and enterprises that establish national and municipal precast construction industrial bases are given financial incentives respectively.

Responsible units: the district housing and Urban Rural Development Commission, Jinghai Branch of the municipal planning and Resources Bureau, the district development and Reform Commission, the District State owned assets supervision and Administration Commission, the district government affairs service office, the District Transportation Bureau, the District Water Bureau, the urban investment company, Jinghong company, and various township parks.

Responsible unit: led by the district housing and Urban Rural Development Commission, Ziya Economic Development Zone, high tech Industrial Park, Daqiuzhuang Town, tangguantun town IX.

In order to promote the high-quality development of precast building industry in our district, accelerate the agglomeration of green high-end precast building industry, and boost the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure in the region, according to the notice on the implementation plan for vigorously developing precast buildings issued by the general office of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government (Jin Zheng ban Han [2017] No.

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