China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Guangdong: Focusing on precast buildings, accelerate the industrialization of new buildings!

Improve the design and selection standards, promote the integrated design of architecture, structure, equipment pipeline, decoration and other disciplines, and improve the integrity of the building.

The new building industrialization project comprehensively promotes the application of green building materials and the use of assembly decoration, and the large-scale application of information technology in the construction process.

The industrialization of buildings with high efficiency, high quality, low consumption and low emissions in engineering construction has been basically realized.

By the end of 2023, the industrialization of new buildings will be steadily promoted, a number of standardized parts and components libraries will be established, and a number of precast construction industry bases will be created.

Assembled decoration and BIM are gradually pushing forward integrated design, and information technology is actively applied in the industrialization of new buildings.

1、 The work objective is to focus on precast buildings, take systematic integrated design and green lean production and construction of the whole life cycle of the project as the main means, and integrate the whole industrial chain, value chain and innovation chain of the project through the drive of the new generation of digital information technology, so as to achieve high efficiency, high quality, low consumption and low emission of the project construction.

60) and the Implementation Opinions of the General Office of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province on Vigorously Developing Fabricated Buildings (YFB [2017] No.

(In the charge of the Provincial Housing and Urban Rural Development Department) 2.

By the end of 2022, the industrialization of new buildings will be carried out in an orderly manner, and the selection criteria for the design of precast concrete structure residential buildings, the guidelines for the size of main components and the evaluation guidelines for new building industrialization projects will be formulated.

Fixing Socket Waved End

By the end of 2024, the industrialization of new buildings will be accelerated, and breakthroughs will be made in the construction of the evaluation and identification system for new building industrialization professionals and the construction quality and safety supervision mechanism.

The implementation scale of new building industrialization projects has been expanding.

28) are required to accelerate the industrialization of new buildings in our province.

8) The Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development and other departments on Promoting the Coordinated Development of Intelligent Building and Building Industrialization (JS [2020] No.

Promote the design method of less specifications and more combinations, increase the use of standardized parts and components in government invested projects, and guide design units to implement standardized design of building plans, components and parts, and interfaces.

The following implementation opinions are proposed.

Strengthen the coordination of the whole industrial chain.

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Relevant supporting policies and technical standard systems were basically established, and the scope of integrated design and lean construction was further expanded.

Architects coordinate the design of building plans and construction drawings, and guide the production of components and on-site construction.

By the end of 2030, the level of systematic integrated design, standardized production of parts and components, and lean production and construction in the whole life cycle of the project will be greatly improved, and the whole industrial chain, value chain, and innovation chain of the project will be fully integrated to form a new industrial system of building industrialization with Guangdong characteristics.

The overall advantages of the industry have been significantly enhanced, so as to realize the green and high-quality development transformation of the construction industry.

The scientific and technological innovation ability of the construction industry has been greatly improved, and it has been deeply integrated with information technology.

Each city shall study and formulate supporting policies for the development of new building industrialization, and define the differentiated development goals.

The upstream and downstream industrial chains that adapt to the characteristics of new building industrialization are gradually improved, and standardized component production and lean construction are steadily promoted.

to use standard atlas design to improve the standard design level..

The product certification of green building materials and government procurement support for the promotion and application of green building materials were carried out in an all-round way, and a number of new building industrialization projects were completed.

Encourage affordable housing, schools, hospitals, factories, etc.

2、 Key Task (I): Strengthen systematic integrated design.

The pilot work of precast decoration was carried out in an orderly manner, and a number of new building industrialization projects were implemented.

Overall planning and design, production and transportation, construction and installation, operation and maintenance management of components and parts, and promoting the sharing of upstream and downstream resources, system integration and linkage development of the industrial chain.

71), the Several Opinions of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development and other ministries on Accelerating the Industrialization of New Buildings (JBG [2020] No.

Implement standardized design.

Explore and carry out the architect responsibility system for new building industrialization projects.


By the end of 2025, the industrialization of new buildings will be comprehensively promoted, BIM will steadily improve the level of integrated design and standardized parts production, and lean construction will be fully carried out.

BIM is expanding the application scope of integrated design, assembly decoration and information technology.

The certification of green building materials was promoted in an orderly manner, and a number of government procurement support green building materials promotion and application pilots were built.

The competent departments of urban and rural housing construction, development and reform, education, science and technology, industry and informatization, public security, finance, human resources and social security, natural resources, transportation, market supervision, the State Administration of Taxation, Guangzhou, cities at various levels Hengqin Guangdong Macao Deep Cooperation Zone Tax Bureau, all central branches of the People’s Bank of China in Guangdong Province, and all banking and insurance regulatory branches: to implement the Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Vigorously Developing Fabricated Buildings (GBF [2016] No.

The industrialization of new buildings has been led by the government to become market-oriented.

The proportion of precast buildings in the province in the newly built building area has reached more than 30%, of which the key promotion areas have reached more than 35%, the active promotion areas have reached more than 30%, and the promotion areas are encouraged to reach more than 20%.

The proportion of precast buildings in the newly built building area has reached more than 50%.

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