China Precast Magnet

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China has driven the development of precast buildings into a “fast lane” in the past decade

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Li Rusheng, the chief engineer of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, said that the construction field is an important field of energy consumption and carbon emissions in China, and also an important force to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality in China.

Recently, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a series of news conferences themed “China’s Decade”.

With the support of the “double carbon” strategy, precast buildings have become a “new wind outlet” for the development of the construction industry.

On July 13, 2022, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the Implementation Plan for Carbon Peak in the Field of Urban and Rural Construction recently, specifying that carbon emissions in the field of urban and rural construction will reach the peak by 2030.

The labor productivity has reached 473000 yuan per person, nearly 60% higher than that in 2012.

On March 11, 2022, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development issued the “Fourteenth Five Year Plan” for Building Energy Efficiency and Green Building Development, which proposed that by 2025, new urban buildings will be fully built into green buildings, building energy utilization efficiency will be steadily improved, building energy consumption structure will be gradually optimized, building energy consumption and carbon emission growth trends will be effectively controlled, and a green, low-carbon and circular construction and development mode will be basically formed, It will lay a solid foundation for carbon peak in urban and rural construction by 2030.

According to the plan, by 2025, new urban buildings will be fully built into green buildings, and precast buildings will account for 30% of new urban buildings in that year.

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It is estimated that during the “Fourteenth Five Year Plan” period, the precast building area of new affordable rental housing is about 540 million square meters, the market scale is about 1.2 trillion yuan, and the affordable housing drives the construction of precast buildings by about 12%.

The Plan proposes to vigorously develop precast buildings and promote steel structure residences.

At the same time, a series of incentive policies have been introduced in various regions, including financial subsidies, industry support, area incentives, implementation of tax incentives, and strengthening scientific and technological support.

Driven by the dual carbon goals, China’s precast buildings meet the long-term development opportunities.

Since the General Office of the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Vigorously Developing Fabricated Buildings in 2016, precast buildings have developed rapidly.

Compared with traditional buildings, precast buildings have outstanding advantages, which can maximize project quality, reduce potential safety hazards, reduce labor costs, improve work efficiency, shorten the construction period, save energy and environmental protection, and also create higher profit margins, consistent with the concept of green energy-saving buildings.

The number of employees in the construction industry reached 52.8294 million, an increase of more than 10 million over 2012.

By 2030, precast buildings will account for 40% of new urban buildings in that year.

The engineering design, construction level, engineering quality and safety situation, scientific and technological innovation level and workers’ skills are significantly improved.

During the “Fourteenth Five Year Plan” period, 40 key cities initially planned to add 6.5 million affordable rental housing units.

A number of new products, new formats and new models, such as precast buildings, construction robots and the Internet of the construction industry, have taken shape.

On the other hand, affordable rental housing provides stable growth for precast buildings.

“Previous articles” Hao Shengkun, former director of the General Office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, and his delegation came to our company to inspect and guide the work of BIM project managers.

According to statistics, in the first half of 2022, newly started precast buildings in China account for more than 25% of the newly built building area, and the cumulative construction area of precast buildings has reached 2.4 billion square meters.

The added value of the construction industry increased from 3.69 trillion yuan to 8.01 trillion yuan, accounting for more than 6.85% of GDP, and the status of the pillar industry of the national economy continued to consolidate.

On October 24, 2021, the State Council issued the Notice on the Action Plan for Carbon Peak by 2030, which pointed out that we should vigorously develop precast buildings, promote steel structure residence, promote the recycling of building materials, and strengthen green design and green construction management.

A number of policies define the main application status of precast buildings in affordable rental housing.

Strengthen the green and low-carbon construction of the county seat.

In 2021, the area of newly built precast buildings in China will reach 740 million square meters, accounting for 24.5% of new buildings.

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We will promote the establishment of a green and low-carbon oriented urban and rural planning and construction management mechanism, develop management measures for building demolition, and put an end to large-scale demolition and construction.

According to Li Rusheng, chief engineer of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the construction industry has been expanding in the past decade.

In 2021, the total output value of the construction industry will reach 29.3 trillion yuan, more than twice that of 2012.

After the introduction of several national heavy policies, all provinces and cities are deploying the development plans of green and precast buildings, especially in the new buildings and government invested construction projects, the proportion of precast buildings is more adjusted.

Build green towns and green communities.

Now, more than 20 provinces across the country have issued supporting policies and subsidy system standards related to precast buildings, which give a green light to the development of precast buildings.

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