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The overall assembly rate reaches 70%! The first fully assembled subway station in Shenzhen was successfully capped

▲ The station site According to the introduction of the person in charge of POWERCHINA, during the construction of precast stations, Shenzhen Metro Group, POWERCHINA and other companies jointly established a scientific research team for precast stations by drawing technical backbones from their respective units engaged in machinery, hoisting, prefabrication and other professional fields.

Recently, with the last precast roof in place, Shapu Station of Phase II Project of Shenzhen Rail Transit Line 12 was successfully capped.

It marks the completion of the assembly of the first fully assembled subway station under the internal support system in China, and the smooth capping of the first fully assembled subway station in Shenzhen, laying a foundation for creating a new generation of assembled subway stations with Shenzhen characteristics and leading the application of the technology of precast stations.

At the same time, the quality standards for each stage of prefabrication and assembly of Shenzhen Metro precast stations have been preliminarily formulated, and the unique construction technology of dismantling and replacing bracings into rings has been studied and successfully applied in the construction of Shapu Station.

In 2020, Academicians Qian Qihu and Chen Xiangsheng presided over the expert review meeting for the preliminary design and revision of precast stations in Shenzhen Urban Rail Transit Phase IV Adjustment Project twice, and finally determined the structural form of “internal support+large block+fully assembled”.

The fully assembled station is the full section assembly scheme of the main structure of the outer frame and the internal supporting structure.

It is conducive to saving energy, reducing construction pollution, improving production efficiency and quality safety, meeting the requirements of green development.

For the first time, the station roof adopts a single flat roof structure, weighing 128.8 tons, which is the heaviest single component in the national subway assembly station.

For this reason, the Municipal Rail Office and the Municipal Metro Group put forward the precast stations with internal support system for the first time, and selected 7 stations as the first batch of precast pilot application stations in Shenzhen through in-depth research and analysis of the geological conditions, surrounding environment and other factors of all stations of Shenzhen Rail Transit Phase IV adjustment line.

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It is composed of 762 precast components, with an overall assembly rate of 70%.

Source: Shenzhen Evening News, Shenzhen Construction Industrialization Association, past highlights 1.

The advantages of the precast station are many.

During the R&D process, the R&D team solved five major problems through hundreds of technical breakthroughs, including the standardization research of components, the selection of precast structure forms and the reasonable division of components, the reasonable design of joint waterproof technology, the fabrication and installation of components, and the research on mechanical properties of structures during assembly.

Some common concrete structure crack characteristics and treatment methods statement: any newspaper, website, microblog, wechat official account, etc.

During installation, it can rely on high-precision positioning system to achieve accurate, flexible, efficient and safe assembly and adjustment of precast components, which has innovated the construction method of subway stations.

shall not conduct any research on the original works of this official account without the consent of the magazine.

After more than a hundred technical seminars, “90 ton+90 ton intelligent gantry crane+multi-function auxiliary assembly trolley” was determined as the assembly equipment.

The full section assembly scheme of the main structure of the outer frame and the internal supporting structure is proposed for the first time, and the internal structure of the station will also be precast and assembled later.

The survey results show that the anchor cable structure is not suitable for the urban rail transit construction in Shenzhen with complex stratum.

The total length of the station is 235m, and the assembly section is 164m long.

Concrete enterprises pay attention! Another region will completely stop the production and marketing of 32.5 tons of cement! National Development and Reform Commission: The total planned scale of the national highway network is about 461000 kilometers! 4.

The internal structure of the station is also precast.

(Source: Photographed by Zhang Yanyan, reporter of Shenzhen Evening News) Shapu Station is one of the first 7 stations of Shenzhen Metro that have an overall assembly rate of 70%.

Compared with the traditional cast-in-place construction method, the fully assembled construction will greatly improve the construction efficiency of the subway station, reduce the construction risk, and reduce the generation of construction waste, which is in line with the current trend of green environmental protection and has broad application prospects.

A single precast component is convenient for flexible transportation in the city.

How to deal with the “poor” conditions of concrete? 5.

The precast station divides the main structure of the station into several modules, prefabricates them in the factory, and then transports them to the construction site for assembly like “building blocks”.

The outer frame structure is composed of four precast components with a ring width of 1.994 meters, which are assembled by means of “Lego bricks”, greatly reducing the number of waterproof joints.

According to the person in charge of Shenzhen Metro Group, the precast station has the characteristics of green technology integration, BIM technology integration, intelligent integration, standardized integration, industrial production, assembly construction, information management, integrated hardbound, etc.

It is understood that as early as 2018, Shenzhen Rail Office and Shenzhen Metro Group had conducted research on precast metro stations.

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