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Hainan vigorously promotes the development of precast buildings and helps the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry to

Promote the expansion and application of precast construction technology from housing construction engineering to municipal engineering.

Source: CCTV news client reporter: Fan Shanshan, Gao Jun editor: Li Qian proofreading: Fan Xueling will solve the housing difficulties of 300000 urban families during the 14th Five Year Plan period of improving housing security in Hainan: the policy interpretation press conference of the general office of Hainan Provincial People’s Government on improving the housing security system of Hainan free trade port thought the content was better and “watching” ↓↓..

It is reported that Hainan will also support the development of precast construction industry from the aspects of finance, finance and taxation, encourage precast construction enterprises to strive for excellence, start a series of standard systems on precast construction one after another, gradually form a standard system with Hainan characteristics and adapt to Hainan technical characteristics, provide service guidance on the release of practical technology, and explore the development of precast buildings and green buildings in tropical areas The inheritance and demonstration of green and low-carbon technologies such as ultra-low energy consumption buildings, promote the integrated application of precast buildings and solar energy, take multiple measures at the same time, fully ensure the high-quality development of precast buildings, improve the construction level and construction quality, drive the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and realize low-carbon and green development.

According to the overall requirements, by 2022, the proportion of newly started precast buildings in new buildings will be 60%; By 2025, the proportion of newly started precast buildings in new buildings will be more than 80%.

The reporter learned at the policy interpretation press conference of several opinions of the general office of Hainan Provincial People’s Government on further promoting the high-quality green development of precast buildings in our province that recently, the general office of Hainan provincial government issued several opinions on further promoting the high-quality development of precast buildings in our province (hereinafter referred to as “several opinions”).

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The development of precast buildings is not only an important measure to promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry in Hainan, but also one of the important supporting work of carbon peak and carbon neutralization in Hainan.

The opinions pointed out that we should focus on establishing and improving the technical standard system, vigorously promote the assembly interior decoration, expand the application of parts and components in municipal engineering, actively promote the application of various structural types and technology integration, innovate the project organization and management mode, promote the integrated development of information technology, improve the industrial chain, introduce and cultivate high-quality enterprises, accelerate the cultivation of workers in the construction industry in the new era Strengthen the research and development of tropical construction technology in 10 areas.

The assembled construction industry chain has basically taken shape.

According to the general requirements and key measures of Hainan Provincial Department of housing construction, there are 16 specific suggestions and measures.

Vigorously promote precast interior decoration.

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