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Industry information – policy summary and development trend analysis of the national precast construction industry during the “14th five

Implement green construction in the whole process of project construction, improve the management system of building demolition, and put an end to large-scale demolition and construction.

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The opinions on deepening the battle against pollution prevention and control issued by the State Council and the State Council of China emphasize that the relationship between pollution reduction and carbon reduction, energy security, industrial chain supply chain security, food security and people’s normal life should be properly handled, the 2030 national independent contribution goal to climate change should be implemented, the action on peak carbon dioxide emissions should be carried out in depth, and the energy, industry, urban and rural construction, transportation and other industries should be paid special attention to, Such as steel, nonferrous metals, building materials, petrochemical and other industries.

Ten departments, including the national development and Reform Commission, issued guidelines for the standardized and healthy development of ethnic characteristic towns, specifying that: vigorously develop green buildings, promote precast buildings, energy-saving doors and windows and green building materials, and promote green construction.

The general office of the State Council printed and distributed the overall plan for the comprehensive reform of the market-oriented allocation of factors, which made it clear that: support high-quality scientific and technological enterprises to go public or go public for financing.

And the “fourteenth five year plan” for the development of raw material industry jointly issued by the Ministry of industry and information technology, the Ministry of science and technology, the Ministry of natural resources and other three ministries and commissions, clearly put forward that by 2025, the production capacity of key raw material bulk products such as crude steel and cement will only be reduced but not increased..

The Circular of the general office of the State Council on Further Strengthening the rescue work for small and medium-sized enterprises clearly states that: further implement the regulations on guaranteed payment for small and medium-sized enterprises, formulate the measures for handling complaints about guaranteed payment for small and medium-sized enterprises, strengthen the management of accounts payable of large enterprises, and strengthen the joint punishment of abusing the dominant market position, overdue detention and malicious default of accounts of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Strengthen the green and low-carbon construction of the county.

In addition, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development and the Ministry of emergency management jointly issued a document stressing that cities with a permanent population of less than 3million in the urban area are strictly restricted from building super high-rise buildings of more than 150 meters and are not allowed to build super high-rise buildings of more than 250 meters.

Precast buildings have the characteristics of “standardized design, industrialized production, precast construction, integrated decoration and information application”.

The guidance issued by the logistics support department of the Military Commission on promoting green and low-carbon construction of military barracks is clear: by the end of the 14th five year plan, new buildings will generally meet the requirements for green buildings at the grass-roots level, all barracks that meet the conditions will be subject to socialized property management, the green space rate of troops stationed in the city will not be less than 25%, and the domestic waste recovery rate will reach more than 35%.

In 2020, 190million square meters of steel structures will be newly constructed nationwide, an increase of 46% over 2019, accounting for 30.2% of newly constructed precast buildings.

Implement the lifelong decision-making responsibility system for super high-rise buildings.

01 the industrial policy “opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on completely, accurately and comprehensively implementing the new development concept and doing a good job in the peak carbon neutralization of carbon dioxide emissions” clearly states that the green and low-carbon requirements should be fully implemented in all links of urban and rural planning, construction and management.

In cities with a permanent urban population of more than 3million, the construction of super high-rise buildings of more than 250 meters shall be strictly restricted, and super high-rise buildings of more than 500 meters shall not be built.

The notice on the action plan for peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 issued by the State Council clearly states that: promote green low-carbon building materials and green construction methods, accelerate the industrialization of new buildings, vigorously develop precast buildings, promote steel structure residences, promote the recycling of building materials, and strengthen the management of green design and green construction.

The opinions on promoting the green development of urban and Rural Construction issued by the State Council of China clearly put forward: vigorously develop precast buildings, focus on promoting the construction of steel structure precast houses, continuously improve the standardization level of components, promote the formation of a complete industrial chain, and promote the coordinated development of intelligent buildings and building industrialization.

The Ministry of housing and urban rural development issued the guidelines for green construction technology (for Trial Implementation), emphasizing that green construction should integrate the concept of green development into the whole construction process of project planning, design, construction and delivery, and fully reflect the overall characteristics of green, industrialization, informatization, intensification and industrialization.

What are the national policies and development trends for the precast construction industry during the 14th Five Year Plan period? Let’s look at it from three aspects: industrial policies, high-level comments and local objectives.

A total of 22 construction processes, equipment and materials have been eliminated in the catalogue, among which bamboo (wood) scaffolds and simple on-site fabrication of reinforcement cover cushion blocks are prohibited, and portal steel pipe supports are restricted.

Among them, the proportion of newly constructed precast buildings in new buildings will reach 20.5% in 2021.

And the Ministry of housing and urban rural development officially released the list of construction processes, equipment and materials that endanger production safety in housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects (the first batch).

The general office of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development issued the notice on carrying out the first batch of pilot work of urban renewal, which clearly stated that it is necessary to explore the working mechanism, implementation mode, supporting policies, technical methods and management system of urban renewal according to local conditions, promote the optimization of urban structure, functional improvement and quality improvement, form replicable and replicable experiences and practices, and guide local governments to learn from each other, We will carry out urban renewal in a scientific and orderly manner.

The State Council issued the opinions of the State Council on carrying out the pilot work of business environment innovation: it decided to select Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the first batch of pilot cities to carry out the pilot work of business environment innovation.

Among them, about 12million square meters of new steel structure residential buildings have been built, an increase of 33% over 2019.

And the Ministry of housing and urban rural development issued the notice on printing and distributing the guidelines for the preparation of special construction schemes for high-risk subdivisional works, which includes nine types of works such as foundation pit, formwork support system and scaffold.

The meeting of the opinions on promoting green development of urban and Rural Construction issued by the State Council pointed out that during the 13th Five Year Plan period, 1.6 billion square meters of precast buildings were jointly built, with an average annual growth of 54%.

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