China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

It was rated as the sales office with the most sense of design by netizens| Research on the requirements of sealant and construction

Wen Qun 02.

The displacement grade of sealant shall meet the requirements of gb/t22083 (iso11600mod) and low modulus..

China curtain wall network 1.

Requirements for sealant in precast buildings 2.1 good adhesion, especially to concrete (including immersion bonding).

Reference article 2 [technology] Research on the requirements of sealant and construction operability for precast buildings.

With the increasingly clear requirements of the national housing industrialization and the introduction of the new policies of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, many cities in China have realized that this is a new starting point for the development of modern economy, competing to integrate resources, introduce policies and vigorously support.

Reference article 1 [BCW] the cool futuristic space made of glass and metal has been rated as the most designed sales office by netizens! Source of building curtain wall: material online (id:material online) With the rapid urbanization progress in China, more and more developers began to enter the third and fourth tier cities to expand the market.

First, concrete plate (PC plate) is a porous, absorbent, alkaline material with irregular interface, which is not easy to bond.

The comparative experiment of Yong’an products and market products (Figure 3) and the results (Table 2).

1), so we need to choose silane modified sealant (Fig.

Crown Foot Anchor

Facade design this project is located at the intersection of Guangzhou road and Minjiang Road in Heze Development Zone, Shandong Province.

Most of the exhibition centers often have single functions and are often faced with demolition or reconstruction after completing their sales functions The result of the new transformation has caused serious waste of resources.

Developers hope to attract customers and play an important role in promoting the sales of their products through the excellent design of the exhibition center.

Floating architectural concept architectural concept the artistic form supremacy that reflected the social and technological changes at that time in the 1920s is the prototype, which is intended to express the mutual shadow between physical space and virtual space in the information age Sound and interdependent relationship in the information age, more and more behaviors in life are completed in the virtual world in the network under the non gravity state, so the objects in the building are designed into an unstable floating state 03.

Statement: the pictures come from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

During prefabrication and production of PC plate, release agent will be used, and the release agent remains on the surface of PC plate, which is not conducive to the bonding of sealant.

2), which has good adhesion to concrete.

In the “virtual world” space realized by metal materials, a large number of stainless steel metal plates with different reflectance and texture are used to form people and space, object light, image The rich interaction of color and material changes will experience surprising light and shadow changes all the time in the space, as if you are in the virtual world.

This project is to rethink the building with special function of the exhibition center and hope to make it more sustainable through design and become a public building in the future community and city 01.

When selecting a product, you need to check the results of the immersion bonding test to confirm the safety of the product.

Some objects collide and reflect with the outer surface of the glass and leave traces on the stainless steel plate to form a unique architectural image.

Its basic connotation is to take green development as the concept, take technological progress as the support, take information management as the means, take the realization of precast buildings as the goal, and use the industrialized production mode to form a complete integrated industrial chain in the whole process of housing construction design, development, production, construction and management, so as to improve the efficiency, efficiency and quality of construction projects.

Precast building refers to the process of transformation from traditional production mode to modern industrialized production mode.

Based on the current precast structure is divided into concrete structure, steel structure, wood structure, the traditional waterproof sealant can not meet the requirements of precast buildings, so precast buildings put forward new requirements and construction performance of sealant.


The sealant must have high elasticity and be able to withstand the high displacement between plates.

As a re deconstruction and reflection on the special real estate phenomenon of the sales office in the real world, this project tries to get rid of the single function of the sales office through design, so that it can be more useful Local public services improve the quality of public life, lead people to yearn for a better life in the future and make positive contributions.

The exhibition center has become an important carrier for all developers to show their brand strength and design concept.

Due to vibration, wind pressure, thermal expansion and cold contraction, the plates will displace, and the joint size will deform.

Table 1jc/t881-2001 performance requirements of sealant for concrete construction joints Figure 1 silicone adhesive interface damage figure 2 silane modified adhesive cohesion damage concrete plate joint sealant has been washed and soaked by rain for a long time, and the sealant must maintain good water immersion adhesion to the substrate.

The traditional silicone adhesive is relatively poor (Fig.

Due to its special location, it hopes to provide an exciting experience for local residents through the concept of humanization and sustainability The moving urban public space building facade adopts the use of transparent ultra white glass, which makes the objects, spaces, materials The color has a panoramic view of the external urban space, forming a vibrant urban public space different from the traditional sales office buildings △ hand drawn by Mr.

Introduction precast buildings are a system engineering, which assembles precast components and parts on the site through system integration and realizes the integration of main structure, enclosure structure, equipment pipeline and decoration.

Wen Qun, founder of the affairs construction group △ hand drawn by Mr.

Therefore, the bonding of sealant needs to meet the performance requirements of jc/t881-2001 sealant for concrete construction joints (Table 1).

Table 2 Comparison of bonding failure in water Figure 3 Yong’an products vs ordinary products 2.2 precast building exterior walls with high displacement capacity and low tensile modulus.

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