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Major events in the industry ๐ž“œ the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement between the sub committee of the international organization

After the meeting, President Yin boyue said that the signing date was set on December 30, symbolizing “Tao gives birth to one, life two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things”.

They must live up to the great trust of leaders and actively do a good job in the relevant work of precast buildings in the international market.

The establishment of the precast construction sub committee has grasped the initiative of the standard and supplemented the shortcomings.

President Yin and President Zheng jointly said that the signing of this contract is of great significance.

The signing ceremony took the establishment and preparation of international standards for precast buildings as a bridge to connect the domestic and foreign markets of precast buildings and building materials..

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Based on the “Tao” that helps the high-quality and rapid development of global architecture, the signing ceremony, as the starting point of cooperation, “one”, is bound to achieve fruitful “all things”.

The strong combination of the assembly building committee and the Hai Lian Working Committee helps our “one belt and one way” strategy, which is of great significance to the equipment, raw materials and advanced mode of our country.

It further reported the significance of the establishment of the sub committee and its future development tasks, objectives, development path, industrialization planning and path.

However, China has a weak voice in the formulation of international standards, which seriously restricts China’s construction industry from moving towards the international market.

In the wave of globalization, China is facing many challenges, and geopolitical and ideological contradictions are becoming more and more prominent, In particular, the so-called democratic countries led by the United States attempt to isolate China in the standard system.

The main scope of work of the sub committee includes: general terms in the field of precast buildings; The basic principles of precast architectural design, including integrated design, industrial production and integrated decoration; General requirements for the geometry and performance of cast building components and connections; General requirements for construction and installation of precast buildings, including hoisting technology and construction technology.

Chairman Zhang Xiaogang also said that since the reform and opening up, the rapid development of China’s national economy has benefited from the rapid development of globalization on the one hand and China’s institutional advantages on the other, but the institutional advantages have obvious regional and political characteristics.

Chairman Zhang Xiaogang said that the establishment of the precast building sub committee and Yin boyue’s election as chairman are of great significance to China’s and even the global precast building industry, marking that China’s precast building has stepped onto the world stage and providing an international platform for excellent enterprises in China’s precast building industry.

After listening to the brief introduction of chairman Zheng Shuai and chairman Yin boyue, chairman Lai Ming said that since the reform and opening up, China’s construction industry has developed rapidly, and China has become a first-class power in the world’s construction industry.

Chairman Zhang Xiaogang stressed that the future of precast building should not be limited to the traditional construction industry, It is also necessary to combine the development of the times and national development, introduce digital technology, change the traditional mode of the industry, plan global industries, and lay a good foundation for the future development towards a new TC.

The signing of the cooperation agreement should be based on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, promote the high-quality development of the world construction industry and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Since the early stage of reform and opening up, we have relied on foreign imports for various equipment, and now China has independently developed world-leading equipment and exported it abroad, It shows the strong strength of China’s construction industry.

President Zheng Shuai first introduced the basic situation of the joint maritime working committee to the leaders.

Then, chairman Yin boyue introduced the main work of the international organization for Standardization (ISO) Sub Committee on precast buildings.

We should adopt international standards to create value for global mankind.

The biggest feature of the standard is neutral, technical, without any political significance, ideology and values.

Director You Yong said that one belt, one road to international standardization, is conducive to promoting the development of the economy, leading the development of the industry, technological progress and enhancing the competitiveness of the industry.

*** Have good coordination and communication skills, and have the ability and advantages to develop the building materials market abroad.

The joint maritime working committee is in charge of the China Association of science and technology and registered with the Ministry of civil affairs in 1992.

Lai Ming, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, deputy secretary general, vice chairman of the proposal Committee and full-time vice chairman of the Central Committee of Jiusan Society, Zhang Xiaogang, former chairman of the international organization for Standardization (ISO) and former chairman of Angang Group, you Yong, deputy director of the Department of energy conservation and comprehensive utilization of the Ministry of industry and information technology, chairman of the sub committee of precast buildings of the international organization for Standardization (ISO) Yin boyue, academician of the International Academy of life and ecological security, Zheng Shuai, chairman of China International Economic and technological cooperation overseas joint working committee, and relevant leaders and experts of CCCC, China Railway sixth Bureau and other units attended the signing ceremony and expressed congratulations.

Finally, under the witness of all leaders, President Yin boyue and President Zheng Shuai held a signing ceremony.

Once formulated, it can become a global general rule.

The cooperation with the joint Maritime working committee provides an opportunity for the layout of China’s construction industry in the world, It has built a world-class platform for the domestic construction industry to go global.

In the context of the prevalence of geopolitics, international standards are an effective way to provide Chinese solutions, Chinese wisdom and contribute Chinese strength to the world for global governance and the construction of a community of common destiny.

It is jointly formulated by stakeholders from bottom to top.

[construction industrialization alliance news] on December 30, 2021, the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement between the sub committee of precast buildings of the international organization for standardization and the overseas joint working committee of the China Council for the promotion of international economic and technological cooperation was held in Beijing.

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