China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Notice on the public solicitation of precast building experts

(3) Provide technical consultation and supervision services for the project construction (town) departments.

(2) Photocopy and electronic scanning of ID card, educational background and professional title.

2、 Application materials (I) “application form of Dongguan precast building experts” (original and electronic scanning).

Have a master’s degree in related majors or a professional title above senior level, and have been engaged in precast construction or BIM related work for more than 5 years.

1、 Declaration conditions (I) basic conditions 1 Abide by national laws and regulations, have a decent style, have good professional ethics and professionalism, have a high professional and academic level, love their own work, and be serious and responsible for their work.

(5) Participate in the training of precast building technology.

(III) the personnel who have entered the Dongguan precast building expert database need to re declare according to the requirements of the notice.

Be healthy, competent, have a rigorous scientific attitude and good professional ethics, act impartially, be fair and upright, and have a rigorous style of study; Have good comprehensive analysis and evaluation ability, language expression ability and work coordination ability; No more than 65 years old.

283, Guanlong Road, Dongcheng Street, Dongguan City.

(3) Participate in the preparation of national BIM standards in Guangdong Province, or participate in the preparation of provincial BIM standards as the main preparer, or preside over and complete the preparation of municipal BIM standards, which will be issued and implemented after being approved by the competent department of the industry.

(3) Professional ability, performance related to precast buildings and other supporting materials (copies and electronic scans).

Dongguan housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, February 21, 2022 (contact: Liu Chuncheng of energy conservation office, Tel.: 0769-22671690)..

It is hereby notified.

In the past two years, those who have made outstanding performance in the pre evaluation of precast buildings organized by the municipal administrative department of housing and construction can be relaxed to intermediate professional titles.

(2) Participate in the identification and review of precast construction projects, scheme demonstration and BIM technical services.

The relevant matters are notified as follows.

3、 Application procedures and requirements (I) precast building experts published by the housing and construction departments of Guangdong Province and local cities shall be preferentially included in the precast building expert database of our city after application and verification.

All relevant units: in order to implement the national, provincial and municipal work arrangements on vigorously developing precast buildings, according to the notice of the office of Dongguan Municipal People’s Government on printing and distributing the implementation opinions of Dongguan Municipal People’s Government on vigorously developing precast buildings (dongfuban [2017] No.

(3) Warehousing experts participate in the work related to precast buildings organized by our bureau and should obey the management of our bureau.


1), in order to further promote the high-quality development of precast buildings in our city and give full play to the technical guidance role of the expert team, we are now publicly soliciting precast building experts in Dongguan.

5、 Time limit for application the deadline for this expert solicitation is March 10, 2022.

(4) The electronic version of the application form and scanned copies of all materials shall be sent to the official email of the energy conservation office: dgszjj- 。 Please indicate “Dongguan precast building expert application + unit abbreviation + expert name” in the mail, and the mailing address of the paper version: Liu Chuncheng, energy conservation office, building 2, Dongguan housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, No.

Attachment: application form of Dongguan precast building expert Doc.

(4) Participate in the review, identification and consultation of precast construction industry base and demonstration projects.

(6) Complete other special works related to precast buildings entrusted by the competent departments of cities, towns and streets (parks).

(2) Professional conditions 1 Experts engaged in the development, design, construction, testing, component production, drawing review, supervision, cost, consultation, decoration, scientific research and other fields of precast buildings.


(2) Our bureau will organize the verification of the personal information, technical ability and performance of the applicants, and those who meet the conditions will be included in the expert database of precast buildings in our city.

(3) The list of all warehousing experts will be publicized on the website of Dongguan housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau and subject to social supervision.

He has presided over the research of precast buildings and BIM at or above the provincial level or the preparation of standards and specifications.

(4) Detailed materials (copies and electronic scanning copies) of social security paid by the unit in recent 6 months.

103) According to the relevant requirements of the notice on printing and distributing the special plan for precast buildings in Dongguan (2020-2025) (Dongjian energy conservation [2020] No.


6、 Other matters (I) the information provided by the declaration personnel must be true and effective, and fraud is strictly prohibited to declare the qualification of experts.


(4) Colleges and universities have been engaged in BIM teaching for more than 5 years.

4、 The main functions of experts (I) participate in the development planning of precast buildings, policy and technical documents, standard preparation and consultation and demonstration of scientific research projects.


(1) He has been engaged in construction management for at least 5 years in the fields of engineering construction, scientific research and education, and has been engaged in BIM related work and has a professional title above intermediate level.

(2) As BIM project manager or BIM discipline leader, I have undertaken the practical application of Bim in the whole process of scheme, preliminary design, construction drawing, construction preparation, construction implementation, operation and maintenance of more than 5 medium-sized projects or more than 2 large-scale projects.

(3) In addition to the above basic and professional conditions, other conditions also need to meet any of the following conditions: 1 Have a doctor’s degree in relevant major or a professional title of senior or above, or obtain the practice qualification of first-class registered structural engineer, and have been engaged in precast construction for more than 2 years.

BIM professionals who are engaged in BIM related work in engineering construction, survey, design, construction, supervision, cost consulting and other fields, and have any of the following conditions and technical level.

Experts from the precast building expert database published by Guangdong Province.

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