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Precast buildings will be adopted for public rental houses in Yuyang District and high tech Zone of Yulin city

15829826464 ———— the following is the text ———— precast buildings refer to buildings assembled on the construction site with precast parts.

After analyzing the land to be supplied in this year one by one, we preliminarily sorted out the public rental housing in Yuyang District, Yulin School of Beijing Normal University (affiliated primary school and kindergarten), the Middle School Department of Yulin School of Beijing Normal University, the public rental housing project of high tech Zone, the revitalization and integration land in the south area of high tech Zone (south of Tongyuan Road, west of Kaiyuan Road) The South Zone of the high tech Zone can revitalize 6 pieces of land for integration (Kaiyuan Avenue West and Fuyuan Road South), which can be clearly stipulated in the land transfer contract in 2021.

Discuss with the housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Yuyang District on the construction of precast buildings for public rental housing projects in Yuyang District.

In 2021, we will produce precast laminated plates for the 300000 M2 project of Shenmu Shenhua phase III, with a total volume of about 5900 m3.

Cast In Loop

The houses above Yulin people’s point (free subscription) are sold.

The development of precast buildings is one of the important measures to promote the supply side structural reform and the development of new urbanization.

Huacheng Jiayuan has 130 flat floors and 910000 pairs of sun bedrooms.

In 2020, 2685 precast viewing boards and 1564 precast steps (steps) will be provided for Yulin Sports Center project, with the volume of precast concrete reaching 2464.16 cubic meters, and the overall prefabrication rate of the project is 30%.

The precast building industry in the central urban area of Yulin has a strong development momentum.

Compared with other construction methods, its comprehensive advantages are more obvious.

There are four types of precast Production Enterprises: (1) one manufacturer of concrete structural parts: Yulin Yuheng Juhui new building materials Co., Ltd., with an annual output of 300000 square meters, It has been completed and put into operation.

(3) One ALC manufacturer: Yulin Ningyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd., with an annual output of 600000 cubic meters, is under construction.

The next development direction of Yulin precast buildings is to focus on promoting reinforced concrete precast buildings and steel structure residential buildings in the central urban area of Yulin, and adopt these two types of buildings; Track and supervise the implementation subjects of 6 proposed precast building construction projects to ensure that these projects are constructed according to the precast building; Second, build “Shenmu Shenhua phase III project” as the first precast building demonstration project in our city, and play a demonstration and leading role from point to area.

It not only has a high degree of industrialization, but also has good seismic performance, high building quality and short construction cycle.

With the gradual improvement of standard system, technical system and supporting policies, precast housing will stand at the new outlet of industry development in the future.

It is expected to be completed and put into operation in October 2021.

Coordinate the Municipal Education Bureau, Yuyang District Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, Yulin Municipal Health Commission and other construction units to design and build in strict accordance with the provincial and municipal assembly building requirements during the project implementation.

According to the requirements of provinces and cities for the development of precast buildings and green buildings, by 2025, the proportion of precast buildings in Yulin central urban area, the key promotion area of precast buildings in our city, will reach 30%…

(4) One manufacturing enterprise of GHS cast light strip internal partition wall: Yulin Chengtou Green Building Technology Co., Ltd., with design capacity of 1 million square meters for 100mm type and 700000 square meters for 200mm type.

Yulin Joint Conference Office for the development of precast buildings (located in the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development) has held discussions with the Municipal Bureau of resources and planning for many times to jointly study the land supply of precast buildings in the central urban area of Yulin.

(2) One manufacturer of steel structure components: Hangxiao green steel structure industrial manufacturing base, with an annual output of 500000 square meters of floor bearing plate, 24000 tons of steel pipe bundle and 18000 tons of steel beam column, has been completed and is currently in trial operation.

The precast construction method accounts for 34.05% of the land for construction projects, exceeding the requirements of 19% of the whole province; At the same time, the requirements for the development of precast buildings shall be included in the land supply scheme as the planning conditions, and implemented in the contract for the transfer of the right to use state-owned construction land, and the assembly rate shall not be less than 20%.

Precast housing has the characteristics of modularization and standardization.

Third, a certain degree of subsidies will be given to the precast concrete structure buildings and steel structure residential buildings in the central urban area of Yulin.

It is a major change in the construction mode, a powerful starting point for promoting energy conservation and consumption reduction in the construction field, and an effective way to improve the quality and safety level and labor production efficiency, cultivate new drivers of new industries, and promote the resolution of excess capacity.

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