China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

The assembly branch of the association held the award ceremony and Symposium of assembly promotion achievement award and star factory of

Finally, five four-star, five three-star and two two-star factories were selected.

The leaders attending the meeting awarded the license to the star factory of the precast concrete component production base in Wuhan.

19 production bases of association members within 100 kilometers around Wuhan have fully met the needs of precast concrete components in Wuhan.

During the evaluation, a comprehensive survey was conducted on the factories in Wuhan.

He thanked the leaders of the government departments who participated in the conference and welcomed the arrival of all representatives of the participating units.

Speech by the leaders of the association Li Hongqing delivered a speech for this event.

On the afternoon of January 21, the precast construction branch of Wuhan Construction Industry Association held the 2019-2020 precast promotion achievement award of Wuhan Construction Industry Association and the award ceremony and Symposium of star factory of precast concrete component factory in Wuhan.

The star rating is comprehensively evaluated from the aspects of regional scope, evaluation principles, basic conditions, comprehensive management, production safety, product quality, engineering services, social responsibility and so on.

won the Gold Award, and 14 achievements including the application of cast construction of block E3 of Hengda era new town phase I of China Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd.

At the same time, he expected that this symposium could effectively solve the industrial problems, and sent the Spring Festival wishes to you in advance.

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Under the principles of adhering to the requirements of the advanced level of regional industrial modernization and promoting innovation, openness, impartiality and fairness, this achievement award has increased the weight of the evaluation of the application effect of achievements.

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won the Silver Award.

Seven achievements including the integrated technology of design and construction of steel structure cast high-rise residential buildings of China Construction Science and Engineering Group Wuhan Co., Ltd.

Yang Jianchun, director of the Energy Conservation Department of Wuhan Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, Xiao Meng, director of the municipal energy conservation office, Tong Mingde and Zhang Kai, deputy directors, Liu Qing, vice president (legal representative) of Wuhan Construction Industry Association, Li Hongqing, secretary general and other leaders attended the meeting.

The leaders present the awards to the winners of the fourth assembly promotion achievement award in Wuhan.

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