China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

The highest award for precast construction base is 4 million yuan | Nanyang city has issued Measures for the management of incentive funds

In principle, the project implementation period shall not exceed 2 years.

Chapter IV project declaration and management article 12 the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development is responsible for organizing the declaration of precast buildings, ultra-low energy consumption construction projects and precast construction bases, and reserving annual alternative projects.

Put forward the project performance objectives, clarify the project construction content, total investment and capital source, project construction sequence arrangement, implementation of project construction conditions, etc.

Article 2 the “incentive funds for precast buildings and ultra-low energy consumption construction projects” mentioned in these Measures refer to the incentive funds arranged by the provincial and municipal financial budgets to support the construction of precast buildings and ultra-low energy consumption construction demonstration projects.

(3) Basic information of the project.

Article 7 we will mainly support the construction of green precast construction projects, precast ultra-low energy consumption building promotion and application projects and precast construction industrial parks.

Chapter 1 General Provisions Article 1 in order to implement the spirit of the opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept and the opinions of the general office of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on promoting the green development of urban and rural construction (Zhong Ban Fa [2021] No.

After 2023, projects with an assembly rate of more than 50% (inclusive) and ultra-low energy consumption construction projects that pass the evaluation will enjoy relevant awards from the provincial finance.

37), and promote the transformation and upgrading of Nanyang construction industry, Accelerate the development of precast buildings and ultra-low energy consumption buildings, strengthen the management of financial funds and improve the performance of the use of executive funds.

For the production base of precast construction parts and components that has won the title of national and provincial precast construction industrial base, the municipal finance will give a capital subsidy of 3 million yuan and 2 million yuan respectively, and the cumulative subsidy will not exceed 4 million yuan.

Article 16 the provincial and municipal financial special incentive funds are earmarked for special purposes, and it is strictly prohibited to misappropriate them for other purposes..

Review the relevant documents of fund allocation of the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, allocate funds in time according to the regulations, supervise the use of project incentive funds, and carry out performance evaluation together with the competent departments of cities and counties (districts).

According to the energy conservation law, the regulations on energy conservation of civil buildings and the regulations of Henan Province on energy conservation, These measures are formulated in the notice of Henan Provincial Development and Reform Commission of Henan Provincial Department of Finance on printing and distributing the management measures for provincial special funds for energy conservation and resource recycling and project construction in Henan Province (YCJ [2019] No.

Chapter III support scope and standards Article 6 the municipal financial incentive funds mentioned in these Measures refer to the construction projects in counties and districts covered, radiated and managed by the municipal finance.

(2) Basic information of the applicant.

Article 11 after 2023, projects with an assembly rate of more than 50% (inclusive) and ultra-low energy consumption construction projects that pass the evaluation will enjoy relevant awards from the provincial finance.

Chapter II departmental responsibilities Article 4 the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development puts forward the overall arrangement of annual special incentive funds for precast buildings and ultra-low energy consumption construction projects according to the division of functions, organizes acceptance, information disclosure, supervision and inspection and performance evaluation according to the regulations, and informs the Municipal Bureau of finance to allocate funds.

Chapter V fund management Article 15 the Municipal Finance Bureau shall examine and issue the financial budget according to the application documents provided by the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, and allocate incentive funds on time.

The main contents of the implementation plan include: (1) letter of commitment of the application unit.

The current situation of the applicant, as well as the energy consumption, water consumption and resource utilization; The importance and necessity of implementing the project.

Article 13 as the first person responsible for the project construction and the safe use of funds, the project application unit shall be fully responsible for the authenticity of the application materials and the implementation of the project.

Article 10 for the production base of precast construction parts and components that has won the title of national and provincial precast construction industrial base, the municipal finance will give a capital subsidy of 3 million yuan and 2 million yuan respectively, and the cumulative reward and subsidy shall not exceed 4 million yuan.

Focus on the authenticity of the declared projects and materials, and implement the projects according to the approved scheme.

Article 14 green precast buildings shall be declared after the completion of the main body of the project, and precast ultra-low energy consumption buildings and traditional ultra-low energy consumption buildings shall be declared after the completion of the project.

Article 9 {for green precast buildings and ultra-low energy consumption construction projects with an assembly rate of more than 50% (inclusive), provincial and municipal financial superposition incentive funds shall be enjoyed at the same time.


The project application unit shall prepare the project implementation plan as required.

Article 3 the use and management of incentive funds shall follow the principles of law and regulation, competition and merit, performance priority, openness and impartiality, and earmarking funds for special purposes.

Notice of Nanyang Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development and Nanyang Municipal Bureau of Finance on printing and distributing the measures for the administration of incentive funds for cast buildings and ultra-low energy consumption construction projects in Nanyang City content abstract: Nanyang city has more than 30% assembly rate for commercial and residential buildings with a construction area of more than 20000 square meters and public buildings with a construction area of more than 10000 square meters, The municipal finance will give a capital subsidy of 30 yuan / m2, and the subsidy for a single project shall not exceed 3 million yuan.

28) and the implementation opinions of Nanyang Municipal People’s Government Office on vigorously promoting the development of precast buildings (WZB [2022] No.

Lifting Insert

For green precast buildings and ultra-low energy consumption construction projects with assembly rate of more than 50% (inclusive), provincial and municipal financial superposition incentive funds shall be enjoyed at the same time.

Article 5 the Municipal Finance Bureau is responsible for the management of incentive funds.

Article 8 for commercial and residential buildings with a construction area of more than 20000 square meters (including) and public buildings with a construction area of more than 10000 square meters (including) and projects with an assembly rate of more than 30%, the Municipal Finance shall give a capital subsidy of 30 yuan / square meter, and the subsidy for a single project shall not exceed 3 million yuan.

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