China Precast Magnet

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The precast building materials business sector was officially launched!

Address: 15/F, Block B3, Wanda Plaza, No.

(Text: Tan Jia) ▲ All guests took a group photo to pay attention to us.

We will spare no effort to operate the precast building materials business sector, seize the historical opportunity, revitalize the country through industry, respond to the commitments of major countries, and contribute to the realization of the dual carbon goals of 2030 carbon peak and 2060 carbon neutral.

of the precast building materials business sector, and exchanged ideas on promoting the development of the precast building materials business sector, technology applications, etc.

The project is planned as a whole and implemented in batches.

on precast building materials projects, marking the official launch of the precast building materials project.

▲ Liu Zhenyuan, Chairman of Liang Datiansheng, introduced the precast building materials business sector ▲ Bu Fanyan, Chairman of Borui Capital, made a speech on the spot.

This time, a large number of Tiansheng and CLP Guochu launched the precast building materials business sector, which is conducive to forming a cycle of large-scale production, application and large-scale research and development, building competitiveness in the industry and building a product firewall.

The total investment budget of Dawan District is 4.2 billion yuan, which will be carried out by stages and batches.

Loop Box

On June 20, Guangdong Liangdatiansheng Assembled Building Materials Co., Ltd.

All provinces in China have successively issued policy documents, which sounded the clarion call for vigorously developing precast buildings and promoting innovation in construction methods.

Both parties will take this signing as the starting point, take the production line landing as the top priority at this stage, and spare no effort to jointly speed up the production line landing.

Guangdong Liangda Tiansheng Assembled Building Materials Co., Ltd.

Volume Tiansheng and China Power Guochu jointly plan to complete the layout of 600 production lines of cast light partition panels and steel truss floor panels nationwide within five years, with a total investment of 12 billion yuan and an output value of 100 billion yuan.

At the same time, it helps to reserve new technologies and products, coordinate with the country’s “going global” strategy, respond to the state-owned enterprises and the “the Belt and Road” policy, and help the central and western regions, rural areas with old reforms, post disaster reconstruction, and foreign infrastructure projects.

Representatives of shareholders of Liangda Tiansheng, leaders of superior organizations of China Power Guochu and heads of all business units jointly witnessed.

▲ Wang Kai, Chairman and President of China Power Guochu Investment (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., made a speech at the signing ceremony.

signed a cooperation agreement with China Power Guochu Investment (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.

Wang Kai, the chairman and president of China Power Guochu Investment (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., Huang Yong, the executive president, and Liu Zhenyuan, the chairman of Guangdong Liangda Tiansheng Assembly Building Materials Co., Ltd.

Wang Kai, chairman and president of China Power Guochu Investment (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., said that precast buildings are a major revolution in the construction industry and related industries, and a change to meet the requirements of low-carbon and green development concepts.

There are 100 assembly light partition production lines and 100 steel bar truss production lines planned in Dawan District.

The first phase is expected to have an investment of 2.3 billion yuan, with a direct output value of 50.2 billion yuan after the project is completed and put into operation.

383 Hanxi Avenue, Panyu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province Website:

China Power Guochu is a fourth tier company under the State Power Corporation, covering petrochemical business sector, agricultural business sector, imported sandstone and coal business sector and other business sectors.

It will drive the indirect output value of installation labor, logistics and warehousing, procurement and sales of 49 billion yuan, drive the employment of more than 100000 people, greatly reduce building carbon emissions, and achieve good economic and social benefits.

attended the signing ceremony.

At the signing ceremony, Zhao Yujie, Chairman of Guoyu Xiangheng Industrial Holdings (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., the parent company, sent a congratulatory message to congratulate on the signing and express full support for the cooperation between China Power Guochu and Liang Datiansheng! And full of confidence in the future after cooperation! Subsequently, Liu Zhenyuan, the person in charge of the precast building materials business sector and the chairman of Liangda Tiansheng, introduced the development goals, development prospects, strategic layout, implementation strategies, etc.

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