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Type selection and design method of common floor slab of cast steel structure

Therefore, this paper summarizes the three floor systems commonly used in precast steel structure buildings, systematically introduces the type selection requirements and calculation and design methods of precast steel structure building floors, provides new design ideas and theoretical basis for engineering designers, and promotes the development process of precast steel structure buildings to a certain extent.

Keywords: assembledbuildingwithsteel-structure; compositeslabs; compositeslabwithsteel-bartruss; slabsselection; Designmethod0 introduction China is in a critical period of ecological civilization construction and new urbanization strategic layout.

As a form of building industrialization, the proportion of cast steel structure building increases year by year.

Compared with the whole building structure, the floor slab is equivalent to a horizontal diaphragm, which can provide sufficient in-plane support for the structure.

[Key words] cast steel structure; Composite floor slab; Truss reinforced concrete composite floor; Floor selection; Classification number of drawings in design method: document identification code: overview of the selection and design method of common floor for assembled building with steel structure (Jiangsu Provincial Architectural D & R Institute Co., Ltd, Nanjing Jiangsu 210019, China) Abstract: the floor provides nothing plane stiffness for the building, anditisofgreatsignificanceforthedesignofthebuildingstructuretocoordinatethewholestructure.

Withtherapiddevelopmentof assembledbuildingwithsteel-structure,floorconstructionhasbecomeakeyfactortorestricttheprogressofassembledbuildingwithsteel-structure.

Click “steel structure design” above and pay attention to my source: overview of common floor selection and design methods of precast building network cast steel structure Guo Jian, Bian Guanghua, Dong Jialin (Jiangsu architectural design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Nanjing, Jiangsu 210009) [Abstract] the floor provides sufficient in-plane stiffness for the building and cooperates the whole structure, It is of great significance to architectural structure design.

It can not only transfer the upper vertical load to the beams and columns to ensure the spatial coordinated deformation of the lateral force resistant structure, but also affect the service function, cost and construction period of the building..

With the rapid development of cast steel structure buildings, floor construction has become a key factor restricting the progress of cast steel structure projects.

For cast steel structure, the selection and design of floor is particularly important, which has a great impact on the safety and economy of the structure.


Inthispaper,threekindsoffloortypescommonlyusedinassembledbuildingwithsteel-structureareintroducedindetail,theadvantagesanddisadvantagesofthethreefloorsystemsandtheirdesignmethodsareanalyzedindepth,andthecorrespondingsuggestionsfortheselectionofstructuralfloorareputforward, whichprovidesthecorrespondingideasandtheoreticalbasisfortheengineeringdesigners.

Vigorously developing cast steel structure building is an important carrier and starting point for implementing the concept of green ecological development.

Magnetic Steel Chamfer

This paper introduces in detail the three types of floor commonly used in cast steel structure buildings, deeply analyzes the advantages, disadvantages and design methods of the three floor systems, and puts forward corresponding suggestions for the selection of structural floor, which provides corresponding ideas and theoretical basis for engineering designers.

The opinions of the general office of the State Council on promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the construction industry and the outline of the 13th five year plan for housing and urban rural construction put forward that the focus of the construction industry should be on promoting the modernization of the construction industry, promoting building energy conservation and green development Improve the construction quality and safety level, emphasize the vigorous development of cast steel structure buildings, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the construction industry.

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