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A 9-year-old girl was hit on the head in an instant by a cement block falling from the sky in the community! Witnesses say the cement block

After the incident, people called 120.

Yu, the director of the Xinmao Garden Management Office, the girl’s parents took her to the nearby social health center to buy medicine at the time of the incident.

According to Mr.

Unexpectedly, while passing by the fruit shop, a cement block the size of a palm hit the girl, causing her to bleed in the head.

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According to Ms.

Du, a strand of cement fell off the exterior wall of the fruit shop sign, “about two to three meters long.


Du, who lives in Xinmao Garden, accompanied the child downstairs for a walk.

Witnesses said that at 4:30 pm on April 29th, Ms.

On the second day of the incident, the reporter learned from the Children’s Hospital that the girl was admitted to the hospital on the evening of April 29th due to head injury.

Yu told reporters that after the incident, the main person in charge of the management department accompanied the family members to the hospital, accompanied them throughout the entire process, and advanced medical expenses.

Subsequently, the girl was sent to Shenzhen Children’s Hospital for treatment.

Suddenly, she heard someone shouting.

Welcome to join the “Night Flight Shooter” family, search for Yehangpaike on WeChat and add “News Night Flight” as friends, providing us with high-quality video materials! The full text consists of 958 words, and reading takes approximately 2 minutes and 15 seconds# High altitude falling object # Pain hanging over the city Recently, another accident occurred.

A cement block suddenly fell off the building and hit a 9-year-old girl! The cement block suddenly fell and hit the girl.

The emergency surgery for the girl who was hit with a comminuted fracture that night was conducted.

Lifting Eye

The reporter learned from Shenzhen Children’s Hospital that the girl was diagnosed with a depressed comminuted fracture of the parietal bone, a top epidural hematoma, intracranial gas accumulation, and scalp laceration, and underwent fracture reduction surgery that night.

More than ten minutes later, medical staff arrived at the scene to pick up the girl.

Du saw several people on the sidewalk surrounding a girl lying on the ground, with blood streaming from her head and some pieces of cement scattered around her.

After admission, emergency surgery was performed for fracture reduction and hematoma removal, and the surgery was successful

At the same time, in response to the accidental injury incident, the management department conducted a centralized inspection and rectification of the exterior walls with safety hazards that afternoon, cleared a batch of exterior walls with potential detachment hazards, and increased daily inspection efforts to ensure the safety of homeowners and residents.

On the afternoon of April 29th, a thrilling scene occurred in Xinmao Garden, Longhua District, Shenzhen.


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