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Precast Concrete Accessories

Assembled decoration: a method to solve the problem of sound insulation

After the pipelines and switch sockets are slotted and embedded in the later stage, the actual sound insulation effect of the slat walls will be damaged.

▲ More wonderful.

Slate walls are generally solid or porous slats made of inorganic cementitious materials and aggregates, such as autoclaved aerated concrete slats, wire mesh ceramsite concrete slats, gypsum slats, etc.

It also has the advantages of short construction period, simple construction, and not easy to deform..

The sound insulation of brick walls in brick concrete buildings is more than 50 decibels; 47dB for half brick wall; 47-48 decibels for 140~180 mm thick reinforced concrete walls; The sound insulation of 75 mm thick aerated concrete block wall is 50~51 decibels.

The sound insulation is very poor, and you can hear people talking and shouting in the next room.

30~35 decibels of loud conversation can be heard very clearly, normal conversation can be heard, but it is not easy to understand.

When the radio is turned on to the maximum, only about 50-55 decibels of good sound can be heard.

It still takes up space and costs, and it is difficult for the owners of conventional projects to accept this method.

In addition to the standard limits of allowable noise levels in guest rooms, the following tables from literature also help us to select sound insulation more intuitively.

Generally, the sound insulation amount of the partition wall in the guest room is the difference between the living noise level in the guest room and the allowable noise level in the guest room plus 4-5 dB (the weight value added considering the difference between the measured value in the laboratory of the sound insulation component and the actual sound insulation amount under the site conditions).

If the design method of the partition is in accordance with the sound insulation standard of a five-star hotel (meeting 50), it is easier to achieve good sound insulation effect with multi-layer gypsum board layout and sound insulation cotton layout of sufficient volume weight.

Passengers often have problems thinking, rest and sleep affected by loud conversation or television broadcasting in adjacent rooms.

How do you deal with it? How do you protect your rights? In recent years, the long rent and short rent markets of Zhihu user 2, such as long rent apartments and chain hotels, have developed rapidly.

The sound insulation capacity of 240 mm clay brick wall is above 50 dB, which has been banned by the state due to the destruction of cultivated land; [Prohibited wall] The sound insulation of the cast-in-place solid reinforced concrete wall with the thickness of more than 200mm of the concrete wall is more than 50dB; [Wall used for concrete building structure system] The sound insulation amount after plastering 15~20mm thick cement mortar on both sides of the block wall is about 43dB; [The most commonly used wall] We found that the sound insulation effect of the block wall meets the requirements due to its good air tightness.

When the radio is turned on to the maximum, no good sound can be heard.

Generally, the sound insulation of the partition wall of the hotel guest room should be greater than 50 decibels, and the room with a lower standard should be 40-50 decibels.

It has the advantages of light weight and convenient construction.

The PASI technology system of Pinzhai Decoration Technology includes non masonry interior partition – bridge cutoff silent partition system.

▲ Slotted slat partition slat wall slat is generally 60mm~120mm thick, and its surface density is generally less than 80kg/m2.

35~40 decibels of loud conversation can be heard, but it is not clear, and the normal conversation is also very weak.

Click “Search Buildings” to pay attention.

45-50 decibels of loud conversation cannot be heard.

The sound insulation performance of the space is a very important problem, which is often ignored by investors and hotel design or construction units.

However, long rent apartments or chain hotels are often renovated and operated in the existing buildings.

As for the definition of sound insulation, traditional physics believes that sound insulation refers to a measure that uses various materials that are easy to absorb energy to consume the energy of sound waves when sound waves propagate in the air, so that sound energy is blocked in the transmission path and cannot pass through directly.

Therefore, how to reasonably and economically determine the sound insulation of the partition wall in the guest room is a problem that must be solved first.

It has the functions of shock resistance, dust prevention, sound insulation, sound absorption, constant temperature, etc.

★ About the subjective effect of noise isolation: the normal conversation voice in the next room below 30 decibels can be heard very clearly, and it is easy to understand the content of the conversation.

This is especially true of partition walls with poor sound insulation.

In addition to satisfying the sound insulation effect, the wall thickness of a light steel keel partition method shown in the figure is 320mm, and eight layers of gypsum boards are used.

This measure is called sound insulation.

You can see that User 1 is renting a house.

While apartment or hotel management enterprises are expanding rapidly, they will also face many problems.

The sound insulation capacity of such single-layer lightweight slat walls is usually between 32 and 40dB.

Cast In Loop

Long rent apartments or hotel rooms will inevitably emit a lot of life noise during the residents’ living process, such as the voice of conversation, television, action, etc., which directly affects the quiet level of adjacent rooms.

▲CARR ® Karui Broken Bridge Silent Partition System “CARR” in PASI system ® Karui bridge cutoff silent partition system “, the thickness of partition wall excluding veneer is 140mm, the weighted sound insulation is 50dB, the sound insulation effect is good, the space occupied is small, and the cost performance is high.

For example, complaints about “dissatisfaction with sound insulation” are among the top complaints in these two sub sectors.

Generally, 40~45 decibels of loud conversation can be heard vaguely, but not understand the whole idea, Normal conversation cannot be heard.

▲ The partition of a hotel is made of light steel.

Next, let’s take a look at how to solve the problem of sound insulation of apartments and hotels.

It often fails to reach the ideal value.

Find a solution! If sound insulation cotton is used, will it be attached to the next room or my room? The hotel booked on Ctrip has poor sound insulation (when you hear snoring from the next room, the TV speaks clearly).

▲ It can be seen that the evaluation standard of airborne sound insulation of partition between apartment/hotel rooms should be at least > 40dB.

Most guest rooms are separated by light partition walls, such as slat walls or light steel partitions, rather than blocks.

CARR ® Karui bridge cutoff silent partition system has the characteristics of light weight, high strength, good fire resistance, strong versatility and simple installation.

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