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Special planning of Lanzhou New Area promotes precast buildings

At the same time, the supporting policies on land use, industry, finance, taxation, etc.

Establish a number of key demonstration projects, create the first batch of representative precast buildings in Lanzhou New Area, actively strive for the “green construction” pilot demonstration of precast buildings, and promote the implementation of projects with demonstration.

Take the lead in carrying out typical project pilots in government invested or state-owned capital invested projects, strive to form a batch of representative precast buildings in Lanzhou New Area, give priority to recommending and participating in Luban Prize, demonstration projects, etc., to promote promotion by demonstration.

According to the plan, the New Area will encourage market players to actively participate in, coordinate and link, and determine key promotion areas according to the development needs of various regions in the New Area, connecting points into lines, and promoting comprehensively from point to area.

By the end of 2025, precast buildings in Lanzhou New Area will account for 30% of the new building area, of which 40% will be government invested projects, and precast buildings will become the main construction mode in Lanzhou New Area.

At the same time, we will develop modern emerging technologies such as information platforms, construction robots, and the Internet of Things that are compatible with precast buildings, and vigorously improve the informatization, greening, and intelligence level of precast buildings.

Click the blue words to focus on our efforts to develop precast buildings and improve the level of building industrialization, greening and intelligence.

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By carrying out special actions and implementing security projects to promote the quality and quantity of precast buildings in the new area, Lanzhou New Area will become the core traction force for the development of precast buildings in Lanzhou City and even in Gansu Province, and form an overall solution for the export of precast buildings into a system, creating a new economic growth point in the new area.

in the Implementation Plan for Promoting Assembled Buildings in Lanzhou New Area were comprehensively refined and implemented, and the existing policies were supplemented and improved.

Formulate and issue a series of policies such as special planning and calculation of assembly rate of precast building projects, make full use of complete policies to guide the implementation of projects in the whole district, work together with relevant departments to formulate incentive policies such as fund support, area award and advance pre-sale for precast buildings in the district, work together to promote the construction of precast building policy system, and strive to achieve full coverage of residential buildings, public buildings and industrial buildings, Accelerate the extension and application of assembly technology in municipal and transportation fields.

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Industrial supporting has taken shape, and a relatively complete industrial chain supporting the development of precast buildings has been preliminarily formed in development and construction, architectural design, component production, construction and other aspects.

It is proposed in the plan that the new area will focus on residential buildings and public buildings, supplemented by industrial and logistics buildings and municipal project construction, and comprehensively develop precast buildings in Lanzhou New Area.

According to the plan, by the end of 2025, precast buildings in the new area will account for 30% of the new building area, of which 40% will be government invested projects.

The establishment of a new green channel for approval and construction will give priority to the application of precast building projects for approval and construction of a green channel.

Lanzhou New Area will establish an overall promotion mechanism for precast buildings, comprehensively expand the implementation scope of precast buildings, gradually promote the expansion to municipal, transportation and other fields, and actively strive for the pilot demonstration of “green construction” of precast buildings.

In recent years, Lanzhou New Area has basically established a policy system to adapt to the development of precast buildings in the new area in the pilot project of government investment projects.

Each park (town) shall include the precast building pilot project into the key supervision project as an important assessment indicator, conduct a comprehensive evaluation from the number of projects, project reserves, commencement, completion and other aspects, and regularly report the assessment results.

Recently, Lanzhou New Area of Gansu Province formulated and printed the Special Plan for the Development of Fabricated Buildings in Lanzhou New Area (2022-2025).

The precast buildings will become the main construction mode of the new area.

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