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Cement Primary School [Work Implementation Year] Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction, Let’s Go Together – Cement Primary School Energy

If you see “long running water” in the bathroom water tank or faucet, please report for repair in a timely manner.

Dear teachers, students, parents and friends, the 2023 National Energy Conservation Promotion Week will be held from July 10th to 16th.

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The theme of this year’s National Energy Conservation Promotion Week is “Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction, Let’s Go Together.” Energy conservation and carbon reduction is related to the survival and continuation of all humanity, as well as the sustainable development of the economy and society, And campuses are the main force for energy conservation and carbon reduction.

Save one kilowatt hour of electricity in front of you and light up a lamp for future generations

If we do not accelerate the adjustment of economic structure and change the growth mode, resources cannot be supported, the environment cannot accommodate it, society cannot afford it, and economic development cannot sustain.

Clothes should be washed centrally to save water resources.

After using water, tighten the faucet in a timely manner to prevent people from cutting off the water.

However, we have also paid a huge cost of resource and environmental damage.

Develop a good habit of turning off fans, air conditioning, and computers when leaving classrooms, offices, and other public places.

Cultivate the good habit of “turning off the lights at will”, so that people go out of the lights, and eliminate “Eternal flame”.

Please turn off the power when not using the computer and printer to reduce the standby energy consumption of office equipment.

In order to raise the awareness of all teachers, students, and parents to save resources and protect the environment, and promote the social trend of diligence, frugality, green, and low-carbon, we invite every teacher, student, and parent to participate in energy-saving activities, jointly create a green living atmosphere, and protect the blue water and sky.

Advocate using a washbasin to wash hands and face.

It refers to strengthening energy management, adopting measures that are technically feasible, economically reasonable, and environmentally and socially sustainable, from energy production to consumption, reducing consumption, reducing losses and pollutant emissions, stopping waste, and effectively and reasonably utilizing energy.

So only by adhering to economic development, clean development, and safe development can we achieve good and fast economic development.

Do you know the significance of energy conservation and carbon reduction? Our country’s economy has grown rapidly in terms of energy conservation and carbon reduction, and we have achieved tremendous achievements in various construction projects.

The proposal is as follows: 00:32 What is energy conservation and carbon reduction? Energy conservation and carbon reduction is about saving energy, reducing energy consumption, and reducing pollutant emissions.

Saving electricity and low-carbon life starts with saving every kilowatt hour of electricity.

How can we do many simple tasks in daily work and life that may seem small but can effectively save energy, carbon, and water? Cultivate water-saving awareness and habits.

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