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China Cement magazine (WeChat version) | February 20 | Monday | The opening ceremony of China Building Materials Equipment Group and China

Hefei Institute and Tianjin Institute have a deep foundation and a solid industrial foundation.

Recently, the official website of the People’s Government of Yiliang County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province released the “Environmental Impact Assessment Report of the 2500t/d clinker new dry process cement production line of Yiliang Chenshi Building Materials Co., Ltd.

Zhou Yuxian said in his speech that equipment business integration is an important measure for China Building Materials Group to further promote the restructuring of the state-owned economy and build a world-class enterprise.

In his speech, Zhu Bing proposed to give full play to the integration advantages of China Building Materials Technology and Equipment (Hefei) Research Institute, strengthen industrial cooperation, integrate advantageous resources, and make greater contributions to the industrial agglomeration and integration of China Building Materials and Equipment Group.

Thread Swivel Eye

Building materials enterprises are encouraged to replace natural raw materials with bulk solid wastes such as fly ash, industrial waste slag and tailings slag.

Gradually increase the proportion of renewable energy and natural gas applications.

Hunan Provincial Department of Natural Resources: On February 6, the Hunan Provincial Department of Natural Resources issued the Announcement of the Trading Results of the Listing Transfer of Cement Limestone Mine in Yajiang Mining Area, Suxian District, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province.

The Announcement said that the trading results of the Listing Transfer of Cement Limestone Mine in Yajiang Mining Area, Suxian District, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province were publicized, Finally, Hunan Liangtian Cement Co., Ltd.

Hunan Liangtian Cement won the mining right of a cement limestone mine.

Accelerate the promotion of green product certification, improve the provincial green building materials acceptance application database, and guide the project to use green building materials.

Accelerate the withdrawal of inefficient production capacity such as cement and ceramics, prohibit the new production capacity of cement clinker and flat glass, and reasonably shorten the operation time of cement clinker device.

Chen Kelong, Director of the Department of Raw Materials Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

The opening ceremony of China Building Materials Equipment Group and the launching ceremony of China Building Materials Technology and Equipment (Hefei) Research Institute was held on February 16 (Sinoma International), The inauguration ceremony of China Building Materials and Equipment Group and China Building Materials Technology and Equipment (Hefei) Research Institute was successfully held in Hefei, Anhui Province.

The Implementation Plan of Shaanxi Carbon Peak was printed and distributed to the People’s Government of Shaanxi Province: on February 17, the People’s Government of Shaanxi Province printed and distributed the Implementation Plan of Shaanxi Carbon Peak (hereinafter referred to as the Plan).

Sinoma International has a strong comprehensive strength and sufficient potential for development.

Industry Dynamics Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Continuously promote the high-quality development of manufacturing industry China Network: On February 16, the Information Office of the State Council held a press conference on the relevant situation of “Implementing the Outline of Building a Quality Power and Focusing on Promoting High-quality Development”.

A 2500t/d clinker production line in Yunnan was publicized to the People’s Government of Yiliang County, Zhaotong City before the approval of the environmental impact assessment.

Bi Kaichun, a first-level inspector of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (at the bureau level), attended the conference to introduce the work of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in promoting the quality of manufacturing industry and the next work ideas.

The Plan requires to promote the green development of building materials.

Yan Xiaofeng, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the China Building Materials Federation, delivered a speech.

The work symposium on the activities of green building materials to the countryside in 2023 was held in Beijing, China Building Materials magazine: on February 17, the work symposium on the activities of green building materials to the countryside in 2023, sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration, and the National Rural Revitalization Bureau, and organized by the China Building Materials Federation and the Green Building Materials Product Certification Technology Committee, was held in Beijing.

Deeply carry out energy efficiency benchmarking in the industry, and promote the construction of energy management and control centers for key building materials enterprises.

The production capacity replacement project of Qilianshan Cement 4000t/d cement clinker line was selected as the first major provincial construction project in 2023.

At the ceremony, Sinoma International and China National Building Materials Corporation signed the asset delivery confirmation.

Zhu Bing of Hefei Institute and He Xiaolong of Tianjin Institute, the restructuring enterprises, made statements respectively, saying that they would firmly support the group’s strategic decision, resolutely implement the restructuring work deployment, fully implement the task of deep integration, and comprehensively promote high-quality development.

Click the “blue letter” above to follow us! The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT): to continuously promote the high-quality development of manufacturing industry, the “Implementation Plan of Shaanxi Province for Carbon Peak” was printed and distributed, and the work forum for the 2023 green building materials to the countryside activities was held in Beijing.

The ceremony was presided over by Wang Jiachuan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Hefei Institute.

Explore the capture and utilization of carbon dioxide in kiln flue gas.

before the approval”.

The launch of China National Institute of Building Materials Technology and Equipment (Hefei) will provide a new carrier for business integration and help the technology and equipment sector open a new chapter for the future.

Xing Tao, Deputy Director of the Department of Raw Materials Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, presided over the meeting.

Zhou Yuxian, Secretary and Chairman of the Party Committee of China Building Materials Group, Secretary and Chairman of the Party Committee of China Building Materials Group, Wei Rushan, Member of the Standing Committee and Deputy General Manager of the Party Committee of China Building Materials Group, Deputy Secretary, Director and President of the Party Committee of China Building Materials Group; Zhao Ming, Vice Mayor of Hefei Municipal Government; Liu Yan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of China Building Materials Corporation, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Sinoma International; Ma Zhenzhu, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the China National Building Materials Institute; Jiang Yu, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Huatai United Securities; Zhu Bing, Director and Vice President of Sinoma International, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Hefei Institute, He Xiaolong, Vice President of Sinoma International and Chairman of Tianjin Institute, attended the ceremony and pressed the start button.

spent 156 million yuan to win the limestone ore for cement in Yajiang mining area, Suxian District, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province.

Bi Kaichun said that in the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will earnestly implement the deployment of the Outline of Building a Quality Powerful Country, anchor the strategic goal of new industrialization and achieve effective improvement of industrial quality, and continue to promote the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.

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