China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Is precast building survival or destruction? Don’t take the rhythm easily!

The population has decreased sharply year by year.

In addition, both human resources (number of workers) and materials, including external frame, scaffold board, formwork, reinforcement, concrete, etc., can be saved a little.

Then I can only make a declaration of immortality.

In this beautiful spring season, with birds singing and flowers fragrant, it is unlucky to say that those who die are immortal.

Even the basic national policy of “family planning” has been abandoned! According to the latest data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, as of the end of 2015, the working-age population aged from 16 to 60 (excluding 60) was 910.96 million, a decrease of 4.87 million compared with the end of the previous year, accounting for 66.3% of the total population, and a decrease of 0.7 percentage points compared with the previous year.

Many problems of slow prefabrication and hoisting in actual projects are often caused by unreasonable tower crane layout or incorrect system selection in the early stage of the project.

Besides, do you think the workers are willing to be exposed to the sun and wind on the site? Put a lot of work into factories, and let migrant workers become industrial workers with technical and operation certificates.

Yes, it’s still cast.

There are problems that need to be solved.

Before marching and fighting, the ancients always wanted to write a post like “Departure Table” to express their ambitions.


However!!! At present, China’s population dividend is decreasing, and the country has proposed to develop precast buildings again.

Of course, the problem of loose grouting does exist (as shown in the figure below).

Finally, let’s take a look at the population change in the years from 00 to 14: the working-age population refers to the number of people aged between 16 and 60.

The factory operation is not affected by the weather, which to some extent also saves costs and speeds up the construction period.

Precast structures do not need external frames, but only safety fences at some positions (as shown in the figure below).

From the figure below, we can see that the number of people born every year from 80 to 90 years has increased year by year, reaching the peak of about 26.21 million people in 90 years.

Source: jianzhuyiwang Author: Zhihu Shaogong Hello, I’m a precast building.

However, in order to consider the employment problem later, we still did not consider the selection of precast buildings with less personnel demand, but adopted cast-in-place buildings, which can absorb a large number of Chinese labor force at that time.

We also stubbornly believe that the cast-in-place structure is more advantageous, safer and of better quality.

The working-age population is decreasing every year!!!! The working-age population decreased for the first time in 12 years, with a reduction of 3.45 million people.

Japan is still a country with frequent earthquakes.

The working-age population decreased by 3.45 million in 2012 (the first decrease), 2.44 million in 2013 and 3.71 million in 2014.

The labor force population is decreasing, and the country needs to assemble.


In addition, the number of workers has dropped too fast, and they will be asked to work in the market soon.

Let’s take a look at the population change from 91 to 99.

In addition, a reality is that young people in rural areas would rather accept half of their wages to work as assembly line workers than go to the construction site! Parents have been working hard on the construction site for half their life, and they are well aware of the hardships and dangers of the construction site.

Are there any young people on the construction site now? Almost none! The form is severe.

If the industrialization process of the construction industry is not accelerated, it will be eliminated one day.

In the 1980s, the country organized people to study in Japan.

There must be a good way to solve this problem.

In fact, assembly has been around for a long time.

Singapore, Japan and other countries are all pushing for precast buildings.

They are attracting young people for fear of being robbed.

Why don’t the elites of these countries say that precast buildings should die? In foreign countries, we have begun to use the whole precast toilet after decoration, and the living room and bedroom are made into several boxes for the whole hoisting.

Recently, a voice in the circle of friends said that people in the industry must have seen me die.

However, Japan’s precast PC has been used for so many years.

Accelerate the construction period and save resources.


The so-called “existence is reasonable”.

Then let’s take a look at the population changes in three time periods from 80 to 90, 91 to 99, and 00 to 14.

The working-age population continued to decline for three consecutive years in 2014, and the country had to fully release the second child in 2015.

Under the condition of reasonable tower crane layout and timely supply of precast components, the construction speed of PC-based houses is indeed faster than that of full cast-in-place.

In 2013, the state immediately implemented the policy of giving birth to a second child if one of the spouses is an only child, and released “independence”; 12.

In essence, the country is taking long-term consideration for the labor force.

In short: the inflow of population leads to prosperity! Population outflow will decline! Look at today’s Northeast and Hangzhou.

Halfen Frimeda


They will tell their children about their experiences and tell them not to do this.

It can be seen that the sharp decline in the working-age population is the key factor for the country to make up its determination to promote precast buildings!!!!! Nobody! Don’t you want to adjust the strategy? Let’s take a closer look at the policies that have been introduced in various places recently.

Environmental protection – I am proud of environmental protection, and the obvious benefit of precast buildings that make me happy is environmental protection.

China Construction Network, March 28, 2016: A few days ago, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Further Strengthening the Management of Urban Planning and Construction, which proposed to vigorously promote precast buildings and strive to make the proportion of precast buildings in new buildings reach 30% in about 10 years.

80~90 years.

Today is not a war, but the autumn of life and death.

This is also a good thing for the country and the people.

Moreover, the birth of a thing, such as me, must be reasonable.

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