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Technical requirements for the application of cement mixing piles

Of course, as a flexible pile, mixing piles can be used in combination with preloading technology and rigid piles.

The length of the cement mixing pile should be mainly determined based on the bearing capacity and settlement requirements, and should pass through the potential sliding surface of the control not less than 2 meters.

It should be noted that in general, the cement mixing ratio is around 7% to 15%, and excessive or insufficient amounts should be avoided.


The pile bottom should be set in a relatively high bearing capacity stratum.

By utilizing the physical and chemical reactions generated between each other, the weak foundation is cemented and solidified, and its strength is improved to meet the requirements of engineering use.

3、 Key points for setting cement mixing piles: 1.

At the same time, considering the capacity of mechanical equipment and engineering quality, the pile length of the spray mixing method (wet method) should not exceed 20m, and the pile length of the spray mixing method (dry method) should not exceed 15m.

Master the geological data of the foundation, conduct necessary geotechnical tests, determine the type and dosage of curing agent and possible additives based on on-site construction conditions, and test the compressive strength of the 90 day old cube.

2、 The application objects of cement mixing piles are mainly used in silt, muddy soil, plain fill, plastic to soft plastic silty clay or clay, loose to slightly dense sand layers, loess and other strata.


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Based on the bearing capacity of a single pile and the bearing capacity of a composite foundation, combined with the upper load requirements, the bearing capacity of a single pile, pile length, pile body strength, pile soil stress ratio, replacement rate, pile diameter, pile spacing, and other parameters and pile layout form are selected.

Cement mixing pile is a common process widely used in the treatment of soft foundations.

The sum of their deformations is the total settlement of the composite foundation

The settlement calculation of composite foundation consists of two parts, namely the compression deformation of the composite foundation layer within the treatment depth range and the settlement deformation of the pile bottom foundation layer.

That is to say, cement mixing piles should not be applied to miscellaneous fill, hard plastic, hard formations, dense sand layers, nor should they be used for reinforcement of subgrade layers with high water flow rates.

When the organic matter content of the local grassroots exceeds 12%, or the plasticity index (Ip) is greater than 25, the applicability of cohesive soil and groundwater with corrosiveness should be determined through on-site testing.

According to the characteristics of the materials used, they can be divided into two categories: spray mixing method (wet method) and spray mixing pile (dry method).

1、 The application principle of cement mixing pile, also known as deep mixing pile, is a process that mainly uses cement as the main curing agent to forcibly mix the weak foundation to be reinforced with the curing agent through mechanical mixing.

In order to better apply cement mixing pile, this article briefly explains the key technical requirements for its application, hoping to provide reference for everyone.

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