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The great revival of China’s cement industry

2、 The cement industry in old China lagged behind that in Britain.

The performance of the “triple clay” mixed with organic matter, especially its toughness and durability, is far superior to that of Roman mortar.

In the Shang Dynasty in the 16th century BC, cave buildings developed into wooden structures.

The “Chinese Dream” has fully expressed the aspirations of the people of all ethnic groups in the country for more than one hundred years.

Lifting Clutches

In this historical process, the development of cement industry in old China lagged behind the West for a long time.

The upper part of the wall was covered with lime, tung oil and soil, which was very solid.” “During the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, the tombs and reservoirs built in the Ming Dynasty were one part gray, and the sand and loess were two parts into the river.

Limestone was used to produce lime one after another, and its production workshops came into being.

Since then, China’s cement industry has embarked on the road of independent development.

When planed with an iron pick, sparks will erupt, and some even need to be exploded with gunpowder.” When “three bricks” and “three bricks” mixed with organic matter prevail in China, Roman mortar similar to “three bricks” is widely used in European countries, and there is no building cementitious material mixed with organic matter.

Roman cement and natural cement were popular in western countries for a long time from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century.

Due to its low firing temperature and poor quality, it has not been popularized.

Once put forward, it has received warm response and heartfelt support, and has become the ideal, belief and spiritual pillar to unite and forge ahead in today’s Chinese society.

These judgments are also basically in line with the development of ancient Chinese building cementitious materials.

During the Northern and Southern Dynasties from the 3rd to the 5th centuries, a kind of building cementitious material called “Sanhetu” appeared, which is composed of lime, clay and fine sand.

In the Han Dynasty, lime was widely used.

They were mixed with glutinous rice and nectarine cane juice.

The masonry structure built with lime could build multi-storey pavilions.

The walls and walls of the city were paved with glutinous rice porridge mixed with lime, and the walls were both magnificent and durable.” “The city of Nanjing built in the Ming Dynasty was built on the basis of strip stone, with rammed earth on the top, huge bricks on the outside, and lime as the cementitious material.

They were called ‘three clay’, which was built firmly and never damaged.” “During the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, the river embankment was built with glutinous rice juice mixed with ‘three clay’ on the south and north banks of Lugou Bridge in Beijing for several miles, so that the northern and southern suburbs of Beijing could avoid floods.” “The stone bridge built with glutinous rice juice and cow blood mixed with ‘three bricks’ is as strong as granite after solidification, and has toughness.

In the 7th century BC, lime appeared in the Zhou Dynasty, which was calcined from the shells of Kazakhstan, the main component of which was calcium carbonate, and was mainly used to build tombs at that time.

The basic goal of the “Chinese Dream” is to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way on the centennial of the founding of the CPC, and to build a modern country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious on the centennial of the founding of New China.

In 1949, the Chinese people established New China under the leadership of the CPC.

In 1822, the Englishman Foster used chalk and clay as raw materials to make cement after burning, which is called British cement.

Cement is the building cementing material.

In order to build a durable lighthouse, Schmilton engineers, who were honored as the “father of civil engineering”, discovered hydraulic lime.

After the first industrial revolution, the navigation industry was increasingly developed.

In the Warring States Period, there was a wall built with straw mixed with yellow mud.

In 1824, the British mason, Asputin, used limestone and clay as raw materials, which were burnt at high temperature and ground into cement.

In the Qing Dynasty, there were also “trinity” of lime, slag and sand.

“Trinite” is generally used for ground, roof, foundation and ground cushion, and also used for tamping dams in the Qing Dynasty.

In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, in addition to the “three clay”, there were also building cementitious materials mixed with organic substances such as lime and starch.

According to historical records, “The city of Hezhou was built in the sixth year of Qiandao in the Southern Song Dynasty, and its walls and walls were covered with five layers of bricks.

Since then, with the progress of society, new cement varieties and more advanced production technologies have been developed.

Since then, the French and Americans have made cement from natural limestone with composition close to that of cement, which is called natural cement.

From the 12th century to the 18th century, in the Song, Ming and Qing dynasties, the development process of Chinese ancient building cementitious materials has reached a higher level than that of western countries, creating the glory of the past.

1、 Brilliance of ancient building cementitious materials During the Neolithic Age from 5000 BC to 3000 BC, the Chinese ancients used ginger stone mixed in loess to make a “white ash surface” after grinding, which was used to smear the ground and walls of caves and caves, making it smooth and hard.

In the middle of the 18th century, western countries began to develop on the basis of ancient building cementitious materials and invented cement in 1824.

In addition to continuing to use white plaster to plaster the floor, they began to use yellow mud to build adobe walls.

In the history of the development of cement in the world, there has been the glory of ancient Chinese building cementitious materials.

Joseph Needham, a famous British historian of science, wrote in the book “History of Science and Technology in China”: “Between the 3rd and 13th centuries AD, China maintained a level of scientific knowledge unmatched by western countries”, “China’s inventions and discoveries far exceeded those of Europe of the same era, especially before the 15th century”.

In important parts, lime and glutinous rice juice were used for grouting.

In the Qin and Han Dynasties, masonry structures were widely used, which promoted the rapid development of lime manufacturing industry.

In 1796, the Englishman Pike used clayey limestone as raw material to make a ball, which was burnt at high temperature, and then ground to make cement, which was called Roman cement, and obtained a patent right.

This is the earliest building cementing material found in ancient China.

In ancient Chinese history, this material has been used for a long time.

In the Ming Dynasty, there was a “triple clay” composed of lime, clay and gravel.

In 1978, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to implement the reform and opening-up policy, leading China’s cement industry to embark on the road of great rejuvenation.

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