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It’s new!! Technical Standard for Assembled Interior Decoration

3.1.3 Assembled interior decoration should follow the principle of modular coordination and people-oriented, carry out standardized design and refined design, and should meet the needs of aging.

3.3.4 The indoor environment quality acceptance shall be conducted for the precast interior decoration project at least 7 days after the project is completed and before the project is delivered for use..

1 General rule 1.0.1 This standard is formulated to standardize the implementation of precast interior decoration projects, promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and comprehensively improve the quality of precast interior decoration projects according to the requirements of applicability, economy, safety, green and beauty.

3.2 Materials and components 3.2.1 The assembled interior decoration should be made of energy-saving, green and environment-friendly materials, and the variety, specification and quality of the materials used should meet the design requirements and the provisions of the current national standards.

The green construction mode should be adopted to reduce on-site cutting operations and construction waste.

3.2.2 The burning performance of the materials used in the precast interior decoration works shall comply with the provisions of the current national standards Code for Fire Protection in Design of Interior Decoration of Buildings (GB 50222) and Code for Fire Protection in Design of Buildings (GB 500 016).

3.1.7 The construction of the precast interior decoration should have a clear construction interface with the main structure, and should be carefully managed.

248) issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the standard preparation team, after extensive investigation and research, carefully summarized practical experience, and referred to relevant international standards and foreign advanced standards, This standard has been prepared on the basis of extensive consultation.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China issued the technical standard for precast interior decoration (draft for comments).

1.0.4 The design, production, supply, construction, installation, quality acceptance and use maintenance of the precast interior decoration project shall comply with the provisions of this standard as well as the current national standards.

Terminology; 3.

1.0.3 Assembled interior decoration project shall be based on the basic principle of improving project quality and efficiency, reducing labor and resources, energy consumption and construction waste, and meet the requirements of standardized design, industrial production, assembly construction, information management and intelligent application.

3.2.4 When materials and components enter the site, they shall be provided with quality certificates such as product certificates, operation instructions and performance test reports, and corresponding test reports shall also be provided for auxiliary materials with large quantities.

3.3.2 It is advisable to comprehensively consider and estimate various indoor hazardous substances in the interior decoration in the design stage of the precast interior decoration project.

3.1.6 The construction drawings of cast interior decoration shall be comprehensive and accurate, and the expression depth shall meet the requirements of construction assembly.

Production supply; 6.

2.0.4 The independent toilet module product, which is composed of waterproof pan, wall panel, top plate and supporting keel, and is assembled with various sanitary wares and functional accessories through on-site assembly or overall hoisting for assembly and installation, is called “integrated toilet”, also known as “integrated bathroom”.

3.1.8 The precast interior decoration project should rely on the building information model (BIM) technology to achieve the information management and professional collaboration in the whole process, and ensure the accuracy and quality traceability of project information transmission.

Fixing Socket

Use and maintenance.

The main technical contents of this standard are: 1.

Quality acceptance; 8.

Construction and installation; 7.

2.0.2 The separation of pipelines is based on the SI concept of separation of building supports and fillers, and the setting method of separating equipment pipelines from structural systems.

3.2.5 Assembled interior decoration components shall have universality and interchangeability, and adopt standardized interfaces to meet maintenance and replacement requirements.

2 Terminology 2.0.1 Assembled interior decoration is a new decoration mode characterized by standardized design, factory components and assembly construction, which can improve project quality and efficiency.

1.0.2 This standard is applicable to the design, production and supply, construction and installation, quality acceptance, use and maintenance of precast interior decoration works.

Basic regulations; 4.

3.1.4 Assembled interior decoration shall meet the requirements of component repair and replacement as well as the use and maintenance of equipment pipelines, and pipeline separation technology should be adopted.

According to the requirements of the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Preparation, Revision and Related Work Plan of Engineering Construction Standards and Specifications in 2017 (JB [2016] No.

3.2.3 For the precast interior decoration project, the indoor environmental pollutant concentration of the sample room should be tested first, and the batch construction can be carried out after the test results are qualified.

3.1.2 Technical planning shall be carried out for precast interior decoration, and project requirements, technical selection, construction conditions and cost control requirements shall be coordinated.

3.1.5 The selection of components for assembly type interior decoration should be carried out in the architectural design stage, and the key technical parameters should be specified when selecting components.

3.3 Indoor environment 3.3.1 Effective measures shall be taken to improve and enhance the quality of indoor thermal environment, light environment, acoustic environment and air environment for precast interior decoration works.

3.2.3 The harmful substances of materials used in the precast interior decoration project shall comply with the relevant provisions of Code for Indoor Environmental Pollution Control of Civil Building Engineering GB50325.

Design; 5.

General; 2.

3 Basic provisions 3.1 General provisions 3.1.1 The design of precast interior decoration shall be carried out synchronously and cooperatively with the architectural design, and shall be integrated with the structural system, peripheral protection system and equipment pipeline system.

2.0.3 The integrated toilet is a toilet that is integrated with the floor, wall (plate) ceiling, sanitary equipment and pipelines produced by the factory and is mainly assembled by dry method.

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